August 01, 2024


 And so it begins ~ the first day of August, the month of celebrating our pet blogging friends!  
These kitties and pups really need no introduction, as all are members of the CB Team
but we wanted to give them all a big shout out and paws up just the same.

Once (not that long ago) I was ever so tiny, but it hasn't taken 
me long to grow into my name ~ TITAN
and become a fun, busy and active and almost big-boy member of 
my family of eleven kitties at Brian's Home, and I'm super
proud of my Daddy Terry who sort-of-kind-of-really-really does set up
and run the CB for all of us (isn't he great?).

I hope you'll come visit me HERE.

Cinnamon and Nutmeg ~ happy puppers, along with Marv, 
Kozmo and JoJo all living the good life at Cats-Astrophic Events,
where Mom Barb keeps superbusy (oh yes, she does) designing all
the monthly events badges for all of us, all of you!
And they're great, aren't they?
Give them all a big thank you and paws up ~

Just go visit HERE.

Be sure to share sweet meows with friends TYLAN and GIOVANNI
These two furries are the love of Mom Sierra, the content manager
 and award winning writer for the CB.  
She's even authored a wonderful book, PURRSEVERANCE. 
They share stories of their lives at Fur Everywhere.

Stop by anytime right HERE.

We're purrsonally thankful for all of these friends, 
who help us be part of the pet blogging community every day ... 
lots more days in August, 
lots more furriends to come, hope to see you again!
"hey, what about me ...?" 
"oh, sorry, June ... of course, you're part of the team, too ..."


  1. June you are the STAR of the blog all the time and I personally am happy you are sharing that honor with a lot of us - your friends - this month! Sending you a special hug for SHARING!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. oh how sweet... and we totally agree it needs a while to grow into a name like Titan... but he did it so super fantabulous!!!

  3. You have lots of very handsome friends, Juney, but you will always be the star!

  4. all of our friends in one place on one blog for one month. Cool Idea June.. great way to start the new month off... LOVE all these photos and grahpics

  5. June your mommy has done so good with all these pictures. We wanted to tell you that we think the one you made for us is just perfect we'll be looking for you as soon as you can start blogging again.

  6. Dearest Ann,
    A lot of work went into this—kudos to you!
    Thought that Titan lives in a kitty family of 9, not 11...
    Love the final photo of June where she looks like wearing a white halo!
    Mariette + Kitties

  7. We just love Titan, he is the most adorable guy and we love cats-astrophic events. We lost their blog for a while, but recently found it again.

  8. June, your mom did a fabulous job showcasing CB friends, it's a great start to your celebratory month!

  9. Those were fun sweet June and thanks to your wonderful Mom for pulling together such a fun event! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Chaplin: "Cool, it's our friends from all around the Internet! Including our fellow Tuxie Titan!"
    Charlee: "I'm with you, June, hiding out in a tent is always a good idea when there are guests, even if they're guests you know ..."

  11. da tabbies o trout towneThursday, August 01, 2024

    wavez two ewe titan, cinnamon, nutmeg, tylan, giovanna N juney chowder….thanx two ewe mizzuz ann
    for puttin two gether a fun filled august…..N juney chowder, sinz ewe canna “post” fora month, uze thiz time
    ta shopz for all thingz polka dot 😺‼️💙🐟

  12. What a great bunch of cats and dogs to kick off this special month!

    Purrs and Woofs,
    Everyone at The Poupounette

  13. Hello to these lovelies!
    June, we are still here for you; don't worry yourself.

  14. Titan, what an absolute cutie you are! We really appreciate the efforts of all who work on the CB and it's so much fun to see all the puppers and kitties! How we wish we could get around to visit everyone every day! We'll try to stop by when we can. It's nice to see so many in one place today! June, what a darling picture of you! We do love to see and visit you, always!

  15. June, we love you for /giving up' your blog for these 31 days of August...and we thank you for that, too.

    While we only have kitties as Angels now, we love the Cat Blogosphere so much! They do so much work to keep Blogville in tip top shape! Your tributes are wonderful and amazing!

  16. June ~ you are a treasure but you have great friends ~ great photos of them ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. First and foremost a big giant thank you to the CB team of most talented and loving humans and furry assistants.
    Ann and June thank yo so very much for sharing your blog this month.
    I'll head over now to say howdy to all
    Hugs Cecilia

  18. Those are all lovely pics of the team, and of course you too, June.

  19. What a pawsome start to the month!!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  20. June, your Mom did such. beautiful and creative job with all of your furiends, and special ones they are to you and to all of us. No worries about you not posting - remember, June, you are the first thing we see when we open your blog, everyday all the time!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  21. I love your blog header. I am thankful to all of you behind the scenes that keep The Cat Blogosphere running- thank you for all you do. XO

  22. June, we won't forget this is your blog! It was very generous of you to dedicate an entire month to all your friends :)

  23. Don't worry June. We know you're the star of this blog, but it's so nice of you to spotlight your friends.

  24. June, you are being very kind to share for one month, thank you.

    These are all such fabulous animal friends, it makes me happy to see them.

  25. Thank you for the gorgeous photos, Ann! And thank you for all that you do for the CB! We all love you <3

  26. Such a wonderful tribute to some very hardworking people, and their assistant furbabies of course.
    Thanks to the CB team, for keeping this community together.
    And hugs to Ann for her talent and dedication.

  27. Love all of those cuties!! Especially YOU June!!!

  28. Well, hello to all of these loved furriends and to their family.

  29. June, you could come out and look at all the pictures your Mom is posting. They are your friends, too, silly girl. At least we always see you on the Header. So you can take your time out to plan your inevitable return!

  30. It is hard to share the spotlight, June. We're with you! Our human tries to do that to us, too sometimes, featuring what we call "OTHER CATS" and we don't like it one bit. We chide her and remind her that her posts should be about US! You can always have a heart to heart with your human to get more features. We bet you know how to charm her! On the other hand, we're told it's a good thing to share with friends! Anyway we think you're great & we always love to see you.
