August 23, 2024


Today, our post about friends takes a slightly different turn ~ as we want to share the story about a very special kitty girl, named MIRANDA.  And we'll give you TWO LINKS below which I do hope you'll take the time to visit, to read her story in depth. 

We also want to tell you a little about Miranda's Mom MARJORIE, as she has a somewhat unique place in our pet blogging community.

This is MARJORIE, of the blog Dash Kitten, holding her tabby, Silver.
And pictured with an art image of the extraordinary Dash.

Silver is one of eleven kitties that fill this home with love, that keep Marjorie
busy with her vocation as a photographer and tutor of photography.
When you are a visitor to Dash Kitten, you'll see not only Marjorie's cats,
but often the beautiful street cats that wander her community ~ and others
offering companionship in cat cafes.  Wherever there are cats to
be seen, she is there to photograph them ...
yes, that is what makes Dash Kitten different, it teaches photography.

Whether you prefer to photograph your pets with a cell phone,
with a DSLR, indoors or outdoors,
you will always find examples and information and how-to's from Marjorie.
Detailed, easy to follow instructions on how to take your best pet pictures,
or new ways to think about taking their photos ...
how to use your camera settings and more.
For those whose interests lie with video and movie making, she will be your guide.  
And all that works for the cats ~ will work for our pet friends who
share their homes with wonderful woofies!
All from an award winning photographer.


Her story touches your heart.
Above, we are imagining Miranda through the lens of her Mom's camera.

Just about a full year ago, September 2023,
this beautiful tuxie was maliciously shot with a crossbow arrow.
Her story is here (does not include trauma photos).

One month later, giving thanks to so very many,
here is the story of her miraculous recovery.


  1. We remember when Miranda was saved from such an awful thing happening........wonderful caring family and amazing vets pulled her through. LOVE keeps things going. Miranda is in the best possible home along with all the other "Furamily" and we get to enjoy them AND everything else Miss Marjorie captures with her camera! We love them.

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  2. Dearest Ann,
    What human cruelty done to Miranda!
    Sure glad she did survive all that and has caring human Parents.
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. I did not know of Miranda and her story. Thanks for sharing and the wonderful art.

  4. That was a wonderful post, Ann. Such an amazing picture with the antique camera. Our mom never looks at your posts without being "creatively astonished" (she says. ). Your tribute to Dash Kitten is "right on!" She loves the way you described Dash Kitten's human's photography and the cats which surround her. Bravo!

  5. I didn't know of Miranda and her story, either. I'm so glad that ended well for her.

  6. wavez two ewe miranda N mizzuz marjorie frum TT…. how awesome pawsum two see ewe both two day
    and theez graffix rock ‼️πŸŸπŸ˜ΊπŸ’– hope ewe all haza grate week end…iz it caturday rite now at yur houz?
    miranda ewe look gorgeouz az all wayz…N joy yur day in de spot lite πŸŸπŸ’™πŸ’–πŸ’šπŸ’–‼️🐟

  7. We remember when Miranda was shot and were so relived she survived. Dash Kitten has done so very much good. We are happy to see them here and will drop in for a visit, it's been awhile for us and it's a shame because visiting always makes us feel better about the world.

  8. We remember what poor Miranda went through.

  9. We didn't know about Miranda and her awful story. Thank doG she's okay now!

  10. Poor Miranda, that was terrible! Great to see Marjorie and Co here today, absolutely epic!

  11. Miranda is such a special and blessed sweetie and we are so happy she is doing well. For some reason I can't comment on their blog any longer and that makes me really sad.

  12. wow what a story, unbeliveable that it happened and so happy Miranda survived and was pain free. a sad story that made me mad, but she is fine now...

  13. We remember reading about Miranda and the terrible ordeal she went through. Her mom takes great pictures of all her cats.

  14. That is so sad. What is wrong with people shooting people and animals as well. The world can be so cruel.

  15. Miranda, Marjorie and Silver
    I did so enjoy Ann and June's post about you 3 . Miranda I am so sorry and MAD to read about your terrible ordeal...thankful you are healing under Marjorie's TLC
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. We remember when Miranda was attacked and the heroic efforts by her family to save her. We do follow Marjorie's blog and enjoy her beautiful pictures and her great photography tips!

  17. Why do I feel like I’m going to cry? We will definitely visit, but hope I don’t end up sobbing. (I have a difficult time with animal abuse stories). The blog sounds wonderful, I am always looking for photography tips!

  18. Ugh, that was my anonymous comment, for some reason it never remembers me here.

  19. I read Miranda's story and thankfully she made an amazing recovery.

  20. I remember Miranda and I will never ever forget what happened to hurt her. Payback is hell, you so and so who did this!

  21. I enjoy Dash's blog and all the photography tips. XO

  22. We love Marjorie and her kitties to pieces! What happened to sweet Miranda was unbelievable.

  23. Charlee: "Ooh I would love to get my claws into whoever would shoot a beautiful Tuxedo cousin of ours with an arrow. Or a BB. Or anything!"

  24. We remember when that horrible thing happened to Miranda, and we are happy she has recovered now. We love her and Mum Marjorie lots!

  25. Miranda, so innocent to be so cruelly hurt, But the happy ending is nothing short of a miracle.
    I enjoy reading and learning all the good photography tips Marjorie gives us.

  26. My hat is off to her and her kitties, they take the best photos, something I just don't take the time while working to get the hang of.

  27. Oh, and thank you for linking up with Feline Friday and not giving up on me when I get so far behind.

  28. I, too, did not know Miranda's story until now. Some people are too horrible to be even be called human. Thank God she was not injured in more vital places and she recovered fully. Thank you for featuring Miranda and sharing her story.

  29. Wow, that was some story. So glad Miranda survived that awful attack. Kudos to Mom Marjorie for being Johnny on the spot to make it turn out to be a happy ending. And her photog tips are pawsome!
