August 26, 2024

NEILSON ~ Our Friend

 NEILSON, da Nelly, Master of Ceremonies at
the House and Home of Comedy and Tragedy 

... his rights, responsibilities, duties and more ...

1. is allowed on da couch or any place of his choosing at anytime
2. must be winner when engaged in tousling with da phenny
3. approved as official caretaker for da dad mark
[sit on lap, help eat his food, chew his shoes, take him for walks, etc., etc.]
4. has permission to eat da katty cake to include frosting
5. presenter of roses to Rosy each Friday
6. is always acknowledged as da smartest weim dog

NEILSON [da Nelly] noted recently that the duties and responsibilities of the
weims, once living the EASY life, just like "comedy and tragedy" took a
dramatic turn not long ago, when Dad Mark suddenly fell ill ~ and 
faster-than-fast paws rushed him off to hospital where he stayed for awhile.
Of course, that did give these wild-weims full occupancy of the couch ...
be that as it may:
all are glad to have him home again, where he belongs.
Mostly so they can bother him of course, jump upon him, share the usual
"Moanday" with him and generally create enough havoc that he
will be forced to get better and reclaim control of the "house and home".

So, truth be told, da Nelly is not really the "master" after all, not by a long shot.



  1. We love Phenny and Nelly and we're so happy their dad is back home where he belongs!

  2. haaa da nelly jumps with joy that you said he is smart... he is the happiest pup today... thank you jund and anne for being such fab friends...

  3. We love these guys and their parents. It was sad when they quit blogging, we thought it was a joke, but thank dog, they came back!

  4. Sure happy that their dad is home with them again!
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. we love these brothers and their parents and all the mayhem and chaos they can report to us.. love the graphics

  6. lookin my tee hansum with yur pawsum awesum graffiz da nelly….N joy yur day in de
    spot lite, heerz two a grate week a head with lotz oh steakz, biscuitz N gettin inta trubull 🦴🥩🥓🐶💙

  7. We love those special pups too and they are always most entertaining!

  8. New pups to me. There are so many wonderful babies out here.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to June. ♥

  9. Da Weimies have always delighted us with their wild and crazy antics, their staff always presented their photos with the funniest stories. I still crack up with I remember first reading that something was as dark as a Salamander's A$$ and Ice Cream Cemetery. I just giggle thinking about those two original terms.
    I'm very very thankful da boys are helping mama Katty and Dad Mark as he recovers.
    Love this post Hugs Cecilia

  10. I'm happy these adorable doggies have their Dad home again!

  11. Chaplin: "Da Nelly! Our brother Dennis's grey cousin!"

  12. We love Nelly and his brother Phenny and their funny mom and dad. You did a great job describing him.

  13. we love those boys and we also love the "creative" cakes their Mama makes!

  14. Nelly is quite the gentleman...and pretty close to a scholar BOL!
    Definitely one of two of our favorite French Greyhounds!
    Rosy & Sunny

  15. I love those boys and their family I am very glad Mark is home recovering.

  16. We are HUGE fans of the Weim twins and laugh at their antics. We're happy they both continue to watch out for their Dad and keep the Mama in stitches at the same time by opening all the mail and packages.

  17. Awww , we love da Nelly and da Phenny, and of course, their predecessor Easy. They always keep us entertained. We were worried when their Dad had his problem, but we knew that Katty and da Weims would get him back in shape in no time. Nice stories about our friends.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  18. Those furmouse Weims are SO glad to have their dad home again. We love them, and they are such a great duo together!! Along with Da Mama and Da Dad!! Their antics always give a good giggle, and sometimes perhaps a tear, but yes, it's all for the good life at their crib.

  19. We're so happy that these handsome dudes have their dad home again!

  20. What a wonderful pair, um, trio. I hope their Dad stays healthy and the Weims, too.

  21. Da Nelly iss heelareeuss! Hee iss mee Poochie Couzin (as iss Da Phenny) an wee love them an Aunty Katty an Unkell Mark so-o much!!!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum
