August 28, 2024

RAINBOW BRIDGE ~ Friends, Loved and Lost

 ~ all special friends ~ 
a day of remembrance by


  1. hugs to all the families and a kiss to the sky and to all the stars...

  2. We remember our lost furry family members every day. There photos and memories surround us 24/7. They will never be forgotten and they are the ones who shaped the lives we have now.

  3. All our fur angels are always missed and loved. It is kind of you to post those most recently gone over the Bridge.

  4. What a lovely thing to do remembering everyone so missed and loved xxx

  5. So many furiends we have had to say goodbye to....we remember them and will always love them.

  6. Yes, our Speckie with all the ones that went before her... We never forget our fur baby family members!
    Mariette + Kitties

  7. And our Celestial Sweetie too; they aren't here in the fur, but forever in our hearts.

  8. Too many, too many, always way too many new Angels reporting for duty. A lovely memorial graphic.

  9. So many wonderful memories of so many beloved furKids. I miss my Molly so very much♥

  10. Our angels have moved on but their lives with us left us with such wonderful memories and OH the things they taught us.
    Hugs to your Angels Zoey and Maggie Ann

  11. So many wonderful memories of babies over the years. A wonderful day of remembrance.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to June. ♥

  12. soooo many that we heart is aching

  13. Lulu: "Such a list of Rainbow friends!"

  14. Such a beautiful post. Thank you for all you do to honor our beloved angels. Love from Deb and Purr Prints of the Heart on behalf of Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day.

  15. Rainbow Bridge Memorial Day was particularly poignant this year with the loss of Cinnamon on August 10. When I found out how ill she was last summer, I had difficulty in being upbeat enough to write for Marv. Thanks for getting me to create the badges. A very special dog was part of my life and her presence changed my heart forever. I feel blessed for
    having known her. Love Barb

  16. We visited many of those sweet animals online and we miss them, too. Along with the many we've lived with and have lost over the years. Our hearts go out to all those who are missing sweet pets.

  17. As long as we remember them, they live on.

  18. What a beautiful tribute to all the friends we've lost this year.

  19. So many angels. Thank you for thinking of my 3 newest ones. They are missed. XO

  20. A lovely tribute to those lost...We will remember them always!
    Rosy & Sunny

  21. Love and hugs to all who are missing these furry angels. xo

  22. Way too many new Angels this year, but they will forever remain loved and in our hearts. Our dear Angel Lightning left too soon and too suddenly - we keep looking for him here. Thank you for remembering him today along with all the others.

    Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom

  23. Always and forever in our hearts. As a special remembrance day dedicated to our angels at the Bridge, today we pulled a little Yorkie from a high-kill shelter whose days were numbered and nearly depleted and will provide him with a safe and loving home.

  24. So many friends have become angels this year. We're sending love and purrs to their families and loved ones as they remember.

  25. many angels...they will live on in the hearts of those that knew and loved them. Hugs, big ones, to those who mourn these losses.

  26. Yes, they were (and still are) special, each and every one.

  27. It sometimes hurts to remember, but it would hurt more to forget.
