August 30, 2024


My pet family ~ the Zoolatry family ~ past, present and extended ~ 
has been filled with animals ever since I can remember, from my earliest childhood days until now.  
Cats, dogs, birds, fish ~ hamsters, more!  Each and every one special, precious.
  For many, there are no photos, they live on only in the "album of my mind", 
but they still live on for they each added something to my life 
and for that I am forever grateful.  Today, we share a few.

Our Granddogs.
Smiling Sammies, Samoyeds Chewy and Fiona.
Black Labrador Dougie Dog.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Xander.
It's always fun to visit my grands, and at the same time
enjoy these amazing grand-pets!

Maggy, Mary Margaret, the Magster, Magoo, Mags.
My Himalayan tortie girl, an angel now.
My heart cat.  Love you always, Mags.

Zoey, ZoZo, the Zoester, Toofy girl.
Our blue point Himalayan little clown, now an angel.
Poppy Vic's special girl.
Hey Zo, hope you and Poppy have having fun together,
up there beyond the rainbow ... I sure do miss you both, love, Mommy!

Pip, Pip Squeak and TK, Tiny Kitty.
The most special, the best kitty furriends ever ~ why?
Because they owned my most special and best friend ever.
I had the joy of knowing them well, even living with them for
a short time, traveling with them, vacationing with them.
Pip and TK are angels now.
I miss them both, I loved them both.

Thank you to all the many animals who have been kind and good
enough to share their lives with me.


  1. what a wonderful family... family lasts forever and all angels are always close and with us...

  2. What a great family and the angels remain in our hearts forever♥

  3. We can have such great capacity for love when we're around our fur babies. I wish humans felt that way about other humans in this wacky world. I love seeing all the pictures of your fur family. You've done such great artwork this month I'll be sorry that August is over for more than one reason.

  4. Dearest Ann,
    Yes, over a lifetime that is a whole collection of furry family we loved to live with!
    Xander has such lovely eyes.
    The soft and very furry Himalayans and then Pip and Tiny Kitty.
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. What a wonderful parade of sweet pets. Every single one of them a real showstopper! They may be gone, but like you said, they are never forgotten in the 'photo album in one's mind.' Sending you loads of hugs and tail wiggles as you remember your past furry loves. ❤️‍🩹

  6. Ann this is absolutely special to have had so many animals to love from your youth up to know...
    They are displayed beautifully and your eye for the purrfect pose high lighting each one's best traits...WOW Thank you for sharing

  7. I bet you have a lot of great memories.

  8. Such sweet memories of all the pets in your life, with the exception of your sweet June that you have with you now.

  9. A lovely celebration of your furry friends!

  10. Such a beautiful, beautiful family you have and we remember your precious Angels.

  11. Three Chattyy CatsFriday, August 30, 2024

    What sweet photos of your furry family. Even ones without photos, we will always remember them.

  12. de gurl sayz her rememburrz a lot oh yur familee mizzuz ann,
    N a memoreez all wayz ree manez brite, even
    when de pix sure fadez… awesum two see everee one two day 🐟💙🐟💚😺

  13. Lovely photos of all your lovely furry companions! Among mine there are also some I have no pictures of, or the pics from old film days are unscanned, but all are treasured in memory.

  14. I didn’t know you had Samoyeds in your family! They are so beautiful! All your pets are beautiful!

  15. Sorry, that was our anonymous comment. Again! Lol

  16. What a wonderful post with all those lovely furry family members. They are all special and all of them will always be in your heart.

  17. Beautiful post today A, and what lovely memories!

  18. I loved seeing all of these photos. A few of them I am blessed to have known from afar (from reading your blog), but I also loved seeing those that I didn't know! All of those pets were/are so lucky to have you and your family members and I know you feel lucky/blessed to have had them! xxoxo

  19. So many wonderful pets in your life. I remember long ago when TK and (Squashie?) used to blog. I can't remember the other kitty's name but it was something like that.

    1. It was Sqaushies! Thank you so much for remembering. I still think fondly of your boys frolicking in the fields,as well!

  20. Beautiful is so many beautiful pets and every single one of these is gorgeous and I do wish that my eyes were the color of mag's eyes. I love the way you put them on the newsprint because they are indelibly in our mind just like the ink is on the newsprint. I only have a photo of one dog before 1984 when I moved here and that was the dog we had for 16 years before I got divorced in 1980 and I only have two pictures of him

  21. Beautiful memories. Sending teary hugs as we remember all of our beloved furbabies over the Rainbow Bridge. xo

  22. You have been blessed to have so many sweet pets. XO

  23. Thank you. The kitties and I were so privileged travel the highways and biways with you. Beautiful memories.

  24. Every single one of our angels will be in our hearts forever. Forever missed -- forever loved.

  25. How very beautiful!!! You know that the album of your mind is also the album of your heart:). We knew Zoey, Maggy, and Dougie best, but we have come to know the others through you. The memories of our beloved pets sure do help make our lives wonderful.


  26. Ah, yes, I too have a lot of pets that are only alive in my mind's eye as the saying goes, a lot of goldfish, one who lived for quite a few years...2 canaries, 2 budgies, and two well as many kitties of my extended family, and friends...and of course our 6 kitty angels and one notable MJF! (At least there are a few pics of those...

    A lovely heartfelt post, Miss Ann. Your angels are precious and cherished forever...and the others are sure to live on that way too, forever and ever! But hopefully not yet...not for a long time...

  27. Thank you for sharing all those four-leggers you loved so much, and still do. What would we do without our fur babies and their memories?

  28. What a beautiful pet family you have. We remember them with love, and it was such a joy to see them all today.

  29. So loverly to see all your angels and your friend's, as well as the ones who are still here among us. It must have been a very emotional journey for you. You deserve a good spiritual and physical rest.

  30. So many lovely Poochiess an Kittiess an so much Love an so many memoreess Miss Ann!!! Thank you fore sharin them all with us! ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  31. Chaplin: "Aww, we always like to see furry friends from the past, even ones we might not have met while they were here. We know they are all having fun together up there over the Rainbow Bridge!"

  32. Too many to count, but they do shape our hearts and so remain.
