August 13, 2024

XENA and LUCY ~ Our Friends

Is your preference for LARGE?

Or maybe it's for SMALL?

When you visit HERE

you can have it all!


But wait a minute, there's more to say ...
when you visit, any given day,
you might see Riley (he needs your paws together, please)
or little Chia ... (barely up to your knees!)

So, yes ... in this home, it's not "one size fits all".
Xena, Lucy ... in this home, no need to pick-a-size
you'll love them all.

They are all HERE


  1. Any size is the right size. Variety is the spice of life. We four are all the same breed but all different sizes. You two are a perfect pair!

  2. they are fantabulous!! and we bet angel lexi agrees too

  3. Thank you, Miss Ann. You always do a great job, and we're glad to be your friends. Maybe we'll make some new friends, too! Chia and Riley *wag* hello. XOX Xena and Lucy

  4. Cute ones and even better to watch some of their videos!
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. They are such cute pups, we love the who crew over there!

  6. Java Bean: "Ayyy, those are some of our favorite friends right there!"

  7. I visit these precious little ones often. Well done, Ann.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to June. ♥

  8. We love Xena, Lucy and all their pack. They are all so sweet and cute.

  9. Ann what fun captions you add to each photo and absolutely purrfect. Precious faces of our friends
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. What a perfect batch of artwork for our adorable friends - they're ALL precious kids with fun personalities and we're so happy to have them as friends! Great showcasing Miss Ann!!! You're amazing.........

    Love and Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  11. What adorable puppers! All sizes are cuties, for sure!

  12. we love all sizes, especially all four sizes in this home.

  13. wavez two ewe xena N lucy…itz nice ta meet ewe pupz‼️πŸ—πŸ¦΄ mizzuz ann did a grate job on yur graffix, eye like
    de second….and yur pawsum poem πŸ˜ΊπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸŸ

  14. Absolutely love the size chart! Too precious, Ann. We're big fans of the small to large pack who dance their way into our hearts and report on grooming encounters on a lark. You did a pawsome job on these special friends! πŸ’™

  15. Small for me but I am getting bigger.

  16. Love comes in every size and that's the important part.

  17. Beautiful pups. You have so many wonderful furiends.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  18. We sure do love Xena and Lucy(along with Chia and Riley) You captured their essence purrfectly!
    Sunny & Rosy

  19. Xena and Lucy are so photogenic. Love this.

  20. This 'tribute' is so perfect for them with all the various sized=s of those sweet pups!! Whata fun idea to make X & L into sizes...Very creative and original!

  21. These all remind me of Blogville’s heyday. We would do this, pick blogs we followed, write a post about them, to help readers to find new blogs to read.

  22. I love dropping by for the weekly selfies with these two. I love their characters and they take such lovely photos.

    Marjorie and. Miranda
