October 20, 2024


Mine Mommy's backpack always hangs on the doorknob by the front door.
I saw this cool badge pinned to her backpack.
While she was busy doing sumthin', I stole the badge off her backpack.
Why?  Cause I liked it.  Cause I like it!
I can't pin it on my furs of course.  But I can keep it with me here in my cat tree.  
She won't mind.  She has more. 
Lots more.

~ ~ ~
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend,
or wise man can decide.
What's right for you ~ just listen to
the voice that speaks inside.
"The Voice", by Shel Silverstein, Falling Up

~ ~ ~
We approve all comments before they are published on this blog.
All are entitled to their own opinion.
We do not ask that you agree with ours, 
we only ask for respectful comments.  
Some very loud voices today shout with disrespect, with lies,
with foul language and and ramble on incoherently.
Why any right thinking mind would listen to such a voice
is beyond me.
Voices of disrespect will not be published here.


  1. That's an interesting badge! We are guessing it means something particular?

    The Chans

  2. June has the main and only Kitty in your home you are allowed to take anything you want away from your mommy, except do not take your love away.

  3. Maybe your staff could get you a special feline blazer to wear on which you can display a myriad of different badges or just that one.
    Just too cute though and would suit you, on your collar, maybe?

  4. Why, June - effurrything in the house belongs to you. After all, your Mommy belongs to you, so whateffur is hers is Yours. It's obvious!

  5. Everything belongs to the cat in the house, June; that's the rules!
    Am sorry that someone has commented in a manner that was upsetting.
    It's your blog; others are visitors, and they need to be respectful.

  6. That is a very nice badge, June. I am sure your mommy doesn't mind you having it.

  7. I"m sure your mommy will share that button with you, Juney. We like it too!

  8. I have a blue visor that matches the badge ;) I am getting to know you June!

  9. That is a cool button. :) XO

  10. That's very pretty sweet June! Oh my, we had it when the uless idiots come out commenting in fool force. Tell them to go to work for FaKebook!
