December 18, 2024


My our little Christmas tree.
It sits on top of a little cabinet that mine Mommy's Daddy made a long long time ago.
It has an old, like really very very old little monkey underneath.
Mine Mommy keeps saying, over and over, "no June.  Get down Juney.  Leave it be JUNE!"
When I hear that LEAVE IT BE thing I know it's time to jump down ...

So, jump down I did and went to sit on the day bed
where I can look at my our little Christmas tree from far away
and I didn't touch a thing.
No, I didn't mess with the really very very old little monkey,
though I'm quite curious about why he has a BandAid on his toe.
And I didn't mess with any of
the little silver balls, either ... one just happened to fall onto the floor ...

... it's a pretty little silver ball, isn't it?


  1. we love it... and we love the monkey... its cool to have a guest for christmas

  2. That's a tough tree to leave alone with all of those sparkly lights calling to you, Juney. Monkey is a cutie!

  3. June you just keep looking up and enjoying that cute little tree.

  4. It's a pretty tree, June, with such tempting baubles! 🙃 Your mom will have to explain the story of the monkey and the bandaid!

  5. What a beautiful and special little tree and I don't think we have ever seen a monkey that is so small. Gramma has a tree from Mom's great aunt that is some sixty years old but it is not in very good shape anymore. Enjoy your special tree.

  6. June what a special story behind the beautiful cabinet.....Little Monkey is the purrfect thing to sit by the tree.
    I might have giggled at all the new versions of your name for the holiday season June
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Stuff falls off of decorated trees all of the time, June.
    It's okay if you take advantage of something that has absolutely NUTHIN' to do with you.

  8. That's such a cute little tree and we love your monkey too, June. We can understand why you would be tempted to play with those sparkly balls on your tree.

  9. That is a lovely tree and that ball really wanted to play with you ;) MOL!
    Purrs Winnie

  10. oh, we luvz dee disco ball ornimintz!!!! izza pritty tree!

  11. It just fell down and you claimed it. Mom knows you didn't take it off the tree. A very pretty tree.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  12. Oh June ~ you are adorable and your Mom's little tree is beautiful ~ hope you can resist ~ Great story about the cabinet ~ Memories are such treasues for the holidays ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Fabulous little tree and monkey! I can see you're keeping a careful watch on it, June!

  14. What a lovely little tree may want to put that silver ball back before your Mama finds it under that cute little paw of yours.
    Rosy & Sunny

  15. That is a pretty little tree, and a very cute very very old monkey.

  16. That's a very pretty Christmas Tree and a cute monkey too. You're always cute sweet June!

  17. Such a lovely tree, June. You are really being a good girl too, we are sure it is OK to put your paw on that pretty silver ball

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  18. That is a pretty tree. Good thing you rescued the ball. :) XO

  19. It's a lovely little tree, indeed, and that Monkey is cute. And you are a very good kitty, Juney, to not mess with them. :)

  20. Oona: "It's funny how shiny attractive fun things tend to dislodge themselves, isn't it? It happens here too. Oona has no idea why."
    Lulu: "Isn't it because you cats like to—"
    Oona: "OONA HAS NO IDEA WHY!!!"

  21. It's a beautiful tree. That little monkey looks just like the one I brought 120 years ago when I immigrated to America. He was my pal for years and one of my favorite toys. I'm sure you'll always treat him well.

  22. What a pretty little tree! And June, the Lady tells me those balls are not toys but I don't believe her. ~Murphy

  23. I do hope you will continue to be good and leave the monkey alone.

  24. June you are such a sweet and special girl! Your tree is beautiful and you must leave the monkey alone so he can heal :)
