March 25, 2025


2020 ~ March: I arrived, along with three other kits, right when the worldwide pandemic began.
And in October, found my furever home at Zoolatry ... with, well, you know who.

2021 ~ Mine Mommy put together some pictures from our first year, well it wasn't quite
a whole year ... it had been just "us" ... and that's kind of why, even now, I'm still shy,
we'd been mostly housebound and I never got to meet too many other peoples.

For my birthday in 2022, when I was 2 years old, again, she shared lots
of pictures of me, myself and I ... old ones, new ones and fun ones!

And when I was 3 ... 2023,
it was just pictures of my face: how much it had changed ...
from little to big!

2024 ~ I posed so nicely.  And with polka dot candles!
I wanted to show off ~ to show how I was growing up now to become
a proper lady cat!  Of course, sometimes I still did (and still do)
"kitten things" ~ get zoomies, chew things maybe I shouldn't chew,
hiss at visitors I don't know well (sorry) ... but I'm learning good manners
everyday and almost ready to graduate kittengarten!

March 25, 2025


Another "I'm a lady" pose!  She says I have to wait till supper time to open
my purrsent ~ but all day long I'll get extra cuddles and pets (even tho I'm still
not a lap cat), some extra brushies (I do so love those) ... and even
a second helping of treats (nothing better than that!).
Who doesn't love a birthday, specially when it's their own!

By the way, I share this day with a special friend, Miss Olivia, from
MY GBGV LIFE. She is 6 years old today and always has a very special party
celebration ~ so please be sure to go visit her today, too.  Meow! 




  1. if dads rival rod could see this cute baby photos he would rename his baby jane song in baby june... happy happy birthday...

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL JUNE! We hope your special day is as special as you were a precious pup and just look at you now - a full grown beauty!!

    Love and Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam <3 <3

  3. Happy Birthday, Juney! You were sure one cute kitten and you have grown into a beautiful lady.

  4. June you ended up in the perfect house with a perfect mommy. Happy happy birthday. We are so glad to know you.

  5. Happy birthday, Miss June! How fun to celebrate this special day together. Only the best of the best are born on this day. Hope you get extra loving and loads of good treats today! Your birthday pal in canine form, Olivia.

  6. Happy birthday, June! I loved seeing your kitten pics again. I hope you have a fabulous day! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’•

  7. Happy birthday June, you have grown into a beautiful ladycat.

  8. Happy purrrrrrthday June! I love looking at all the photos .... so cute then! So cute TODAY!

  9. Happy Birthday June! We hope your day is super special just like you!

  10. Happy Birthday ๐ŸŽ‰ June! You were such a precious kitten! You're still gorgeous, of course!

  11. Best wishes on your Cat-day! ๐Ÿ’™ ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐ŸŽ‚ ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐Ÿ’™

  12. Happy Birthday Junie!!!! looks like yoo grew into your bay kitten head!

  13. Happy Birthday sweet June๐ŸŽ‰We remember that day as it was yesterday๐Ÿ˜ธExtra Five Pawkisses for a wonderful day to you and your mommy too๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜ฝ๐Ÿ’ž

  14. happee birthday two ewe juney chowder witha yeer a head filled with polka dotz, fish, pizza piez and happee healtheez
    โ€ฆooooooooโ€ฆeye bet therz a new cat tree in de boxโ€ฆwhat cha think ๐Ÿ™€๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜บ๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ’šโ€ผ๏ธ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽˆ

  15. June Happy Happy 5th my lovely blue polka a dot friend. I thoroughly enjoyed the flashbacks
    How fun you and the Orange Lady Olivia share the a birthday another thing that occurred today March 25, 2024
    was my first sighting of a hummingbird. I've had my feeder out for a few weeks changing the nectar eagerly awaiting the little jewels
    Hugs cecilia

  16. Happy Birthday Junie!!! You just keep getting cuter as the years go by!
    Rosy & Sunny

  17. Happy Birthday No. 5! It seems like just yesterday you were a kitten. You have brought such joy into your Mom's life and countless others who share your friendship through these pages. You have a one-of-a-kind purrsonality. We hope you get spoiled today. Love and kisses, Wendy and Dani. High Fives!

  18. Hppy happy 5th Birfday June!! You are so grown up an iss OKay to still get Zoomiess!! Mee soon bee 13 an mee getss Zoomiess aftur Midnite ;) An mee still *hissess* two!!! Wee kittenss at ehart rite??
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an **blowss kissess** BellaSita Mum

  19. Happy Birthday, June! You sure were lucky to have landed in a wonderful forever home for you.

  20. Happy Birthday June!!!!!!!!!
    I purr you get spoiled lots!!!!!
    Purrs Winnie

  21. And a very beautiful lady you are, June!!! Happy birthday to you and we hope your presents include new springs and lots of blue polka dots.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  22. Happy Purrthday sweet girl ! And many more !

  23. WOW...I almost couldn't believe that you're 5 years old already. Where does time go? Wishing you a very HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY, Miss June! :)

  24. Happy Birthday, Juneโ™ฅ

  25. I enjoyed every one of those beautiful photos. Happiest Birthday sweetest June!

  26. Happy birthday, sweet Juney! You sure were a cutie as a wee kitten. And you still are! XO

  27. I can't believe you are 5 already! Happy Birthday beautiful June. XO

  28. I wish you many happy returns of the day, beautiful June!

  29. Happy Birthday to YOU, Miss June!

    You're Five??
    Sakes alive!
    The time is in overdrive!

  30. Xena: I just told my Mommy she can stop saying "Awwww" now. You've grown into your ears and we think you're still you Mama's precious, beautiful baby girl. Have a happy birthday with even more treats than you expect! XOX Xena and my pack

  31. Charlee: "Happy big oh five, June!"
    Java Bean: "ยกFeliz cumpleaรฑos!"
    Chaplin: "Many happy returns!"
