March 01, 2025


My country tis of thee,
yesterday ~ I felt so ashamed of thee.


Three years ago this month, our country stood strong, together, in support of Ukraine against the aggression of Russia.  Yesterdays behavior, actions, and words by the two men elected to serve as President and Vice President of the United States of America brought shame, embarrassment, disgust and instilled deep fear among good and caring Americans.

Elected November 2024.  Sworn into office January 2025.  Awarded a "cabinet" of equally unqualified secretaries over the weeks since.  Appointing the unelected "X" man to do whatever chooses to do, whenever he wants, to whomever he wants.  This is kakistocracy (n): a government by the least suitable or least competent citizens of the state, the least qualified and the most unscrupulous.  Easy to check all those boxes.

Silence is not golden.  Not now.  Pay attention.  Every one of us has a voice.  Call, write your congressperson, your senator: local and federal.  Once, twice, again and again.  You may not yet have been personally impacted by what is taking place each and every day, but that day will come.  And in the "six degrees of separation" theory, there is someone, or more, in your circle who has been damaged already.  

Remember This:  
As of July 2023, the total voting age population in the US was: 262,083,034

Total number of voters for Trump, November 2024: 77,301,997

Approximate % of US citizens, over 18, who wanted Trump to be
President enough who voted for him:

That means approximately 70% did not vote for him.

There was no landslide.  There is no mandate.  Unfortunately, way too many "sat out" this election, and we are all paying the price for that negligence.  Too many more were swayed by mis-and-disinformation.  There's no easy fix now, no turning back the clock.  And no rest for the weary.  And no turning out, turning off the of news and information either ~ as exhausting, upsetting, angering and depressing as it may be, it is vital and critical to stay tuned in, stay informed.  Each of us has a voice, albeit small, but together it becomes loud and louder.  And it will matter.  

Those fighting in Ukraine should have all their tomorrows.

We fighting here in the USA should have all our tomorrows.


  1. For more on this same topic, please visit our friend Loulou:

  2. I was totally shocked at what I was watching on the TV last night. I am saddened and embarrassed for the good people of your country. Zelensky is a hero and fighting for the survival of his country.

  3. agree 100 %. my biggest fear is all of the countries that are/were our Allies are now no longer in that group and the allies
