March 11, 2025


 Each and every day, millions of Americans, are being betrayed by the "man who would be king."
By the one they trusted most, voted for, believed in, accepted his lies and disinformation.

Each and every day, these same ~ fellow Americans from across all walks of life, whether rural or urban,
are having their lives upended by the actions of his unelected sidekick, the X-man,
and a cabinet of unqualified and inexperienced officials, blindly approved by an acquiescent congress.

And it is far from over.   Perhaps the closest this man ever came to speaking truth,
was nearing election day, late October 2024, when he, himself often warned about
the "enemy from within", yet never defining that enemy.  

Too few really listened then.
Will more listen now?
Now, the enemy is known.



  1. We definitely knew what was coming. Not enough of us made a difference.

  2. It is sad but so very true and now we're stuck with him.

  3. Canadians aren't happy to be stuck with him, either. Sending love and Light out in these dark times. ❤️🇨🇦

  4. Obviously I am not American, but I am very sad for your country and what it is becoming because of one man and those he is surrounding himself with. How can so many not see what is happening?

  5. almost too upset to comment without blaming those who voted for him, but i do blame those who voted for him

  6. June I love your mom's new 'puter tray.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. The extra hard part is the family members who are supporting this travesty.

  8. I can't imagine how anyone ever trusted him about anything. I've disliked him for decades. Sweet picture of you, June.

  9. We totally agree with you, June and hope we can survive this mess.
