May 14, 2008


The Zoolatry Human helped us make this picture (the blue one) awhile ago. We thought we'd tell our friends about where we lived and some of the things you find here. We live at the end of the "big yellow arrow" near the ocean and the Space Center.
But this morning we added some new things to our picture -- since Sunday there have been big fires all around us. It is kind of scary and the air is very stinky. It's noisy from the helicopters overhead. We're not allowed out on our porch to chase lizards cause it's too smoky out there. Our big sister is a reporter for the newspaper and she's been on-the-scene for over three days and nights now. She came to our house to get water to drink, and she was stinky too! We read in the paper that they evacuated the animal shelter near us twice, so we think all of them are safe. And there's lot of farm animals around too, but so far, most of them are OK. The humans and their houses have not done as well, many houses are gone.
We don't know if it will be better today, we hope so. It is supposed to be real windy again, today and tomorrow and that will not be good.
We thank all the firemen who've come from all over the state to help us. Heroes one and all! Please say a little prayer for all of us in central Florida. Thank You!


  1. Oh no we didn't know you were so close to the fires in Brevard county. We have been watching all the news on it here as we have some small fires in our county too. We will continue purrin and purraying....

    and Gracie

  2. Oh we are so scared for all of you! Please stay very safe and we will say prayers and we are sending purrs!

  3. How scary! We hope that you stay safe and that the fires go out soon. Purring and praying for all those affected by the fires.

  4. Oh, that is very scary. We'll certainly purr and pray for your area.

    Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow & Mom

  5. I'm getting cabin fevore.

  6. Yikes! We'll continue to purr and pray for the people in Florida and hope you stay safe! We have a very good feeling that you'll be just fine when it's all over.

  7. This is so scary and we are worried about you all. We will keep purring and praying for you - hang in there!

    Rocky, Angie, S'more & our Mommy,
    Karen xoxo

  8. I hope you are all safe from the fire and the smoke it makes. That is terrible to have something like this. The mom of the house heard just a little while ago that they caught a meany that started the fire. That is about as bad as bad can get. I hope they put that person in jail for a long long time if it is true.
    I posted one of the photos that you all did for Karl for my present from him. It was perfect for my meme I did today. Thanks again your photo skills are fantastic!

  9. We know the fires are bad and very stinky as we can smell them all the way over here. You are of course welcome to come and stay with us until the fires get put out. Stay safe!

  10. On no, fires are really scary. We heard this one may have been set by a really really bad person.

    Please stay safe, and we'll be sending you our thoughts and purrs.

  11. Oh dear. That is very scary. We had friends that used to live probably close to your area in Merritt Island. I know she is going visiting soon and I hope they are all okay.

  12. Me and mom will be praying.Please stay safe.

  13. Oh dat is scary...we'z purring hard fur da wind to stop and rain to start! We is glad dat beans and aminals are staying safe, stuff can be replaced.

  14. Oh, I was just going to ask you how you all are doing! I saw it in the news... awful. We hope the fire will go out soon. Wish you all the best!!!

  15. I hope you stay safe! We live in south Florida and are not near the big fires, but yesterday we could smell smoke here.

  16. Oh fires can be scary - we hope you all stay safe and don't have to get evacuated!

  17. We didn't know you were so close to the fires in Brevard county until Mommy got your email. She has had a tummy flu and hasn't been on the computer much, but she is better today. We have been watching all the news on it here and we will be purrinr and praying for you. Stay safe!


  18. Oh no. Fires are scary. We hope you stay safe.

  19. We are all so sorry about the fires around you. Being out here in California, I don't know who is outdoing the other. Florida or California. We were battling about being the sunshine state now it's the best of fire state, which neither state wants to share. Our fire season is starting way to early also. So glad to hear the animals are being safe. We all send you purrs an prayers for your safety.

  20. We hopes ya are OK! Theres so much bad weather stuff all ofer the place lately... We are feelin very lucky all at happen here is 5 inches of rain!

  21. We are home again and we hope the fires have calmed down! We wanted to check to make sure you were okay!! We will purr and purray until we hear that you didn't have to evacuate.

  22. That is very scary! Hope it gets under control soon!

    purrs, Shade and Goldie

  23. Keep safe, kitties and Beans. We are keeping you in our thoughts and purryers.
    Purrs and kissies,
