The final act. As most of you know, we lost little DELTA who seemed to have had a weak heart, though even those with a weak heart can be strong of heart. And we've had no more sightings at all of BRAVO... but knowing his adverturesome and brave spirit, he's probably already made it to Cocoa Beach... or maybe he's at KSC preparing for the next launch! Though we won't give up on him, and who knows... he might just find his way back to us sometime. It's been quite a week here at Zoolatry... Comedy and Tragedy, Laughter and Tears, Joy and Sorrow. Late afternoon yesterday we released ANNIE. She was yearning so to be uncaged and have her freedom returned. She flew into the woods... and we thought, "
we'll not see her again". CHARLIE was recovering quickly and well in her trap, and was already anxious to be on her way, but it was just too soon. She cried and fussed a great deal. Suppertime: Annie cautiously came down the sidewalk, and approached Charlie's trap. She paced around it, pawing, soft meows. Charlie reached two tiny paws through the metal trap and held Annie's face. We had no camera, it was a moment forever imprinted into memory. The two whined and talked and caressed through the cage. We knew it was time to release Charlie, they couldn't be kept apart. At our approach, Annie ran. Opening the cage, Charlie followed. And we thought, "
we'll not see them again." Now dusk was arriving and, just like in the Christmas story... "
what to my wondering eyes should appear?" there were Annie and Charlie, running in the yard, playing, exploring... perhaps also searching for Bravo and Delta... but they are home... and home we think they'll stay.
What a sweet post about the reunion of Charlie and Mom Annie. I hope they stay forever. So glad both are doing well, and thanks to the Guardian Angel who made this possible.
I think that they are home.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet story...
God bless you and the guardian angel that helped you help Annie and kids.
awwww. mommys eyes is leaking. we hopes that they stay close and safe.
ReplyDeleteNot a dry eye in our house! What a sweet, endearing story. Continued happy lives for Annie and her brood.
ReplyDeleteGod bless her Guardian Angels.
Oh, me and mommy are all leaky-eyed! What a wonderful story. Charlie and Annie's reunion is so sweet and touching . . . and knowing they came back to your yard just like always makes me so happy! My heart is still broken over poor little Delta, and I am still worried about Bravo . . . but it has been a wonderful story and adventure. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
ReplyDeleteThis is a really lovely ending, after the sadness of losing Delta. It would be the icing on the cake if Bravo made it home.
ReplyDeleteTheir are some beautiful Guardian Angels in this world. Bless them.
Being a former feral cat, I am so happy that you helped Charlie and Annie. I think they know that they have found their "Guardian Angels" and they will stick around. I hope Bravo returns soon, too.
(one of the Island Cats with Wally & Ernie)
Zoey & Me don't even know the Guardian Angel who made all this happen but we love her. And we will find Bravo. And the Tom cat will return. I just know it.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that the story has a happy ending. I hope that you catch glimpses of Annie and Charlie as they live their lives.
ReplyDeleteAw, Mommy's eyes are leaking again, but she says it's cause she's happy that everything turned out well.
ReplyDeleteWe're so happy that Annie and Charlie are safe and sound. Hopefully Delta will send Bravo home and you will always get to see them!
Boy, you sure know how to make our Mom cry! Such a bittersweet story.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet story! Our Lady got all leaky too.
ReplyDeleteThat was just too adorable, the part about mama and baby reuniting, though one was caged. We're so glad they decided to stay.
ReplyDeleteAnd, Bravo, wherever you are hiding, we hope you will come home.
purrs and tail wags
That was a sad and happy ending!!
ReplyDeleteI purr for Delta Don. I purr Bravo will find his way back. I purr Annie & Charlotte will stay close and be happy. Life can be cruel, but it can also be beautiful :) Thanks to people like you :)
Purrs Mickey
"If you love something, let it free..."
ReplyDeleteWe cant imagine wantin ta leave our yard, but efrykitty CAN if they are allowed ta make choice. We all go outside, but we allus come back in...
Oh, my heart is just breaking and filled with hope all at once for these kitties and for you.
ReplyDeleteAnnie and Charlie and Bravo and Delta will be in out thoughts, hearts and prayers always.
Bless the Guardian Angels that helped and Bless you too!
Love and Hugs,