October 17, 2024


Anthropomorphism.  I do strongly believe that our pets ~ be they cats or dogs, or other ~ have and share emotions and feelings very similar to our own.  I've seen this, felt it in my heart and experienced it deeply with every pet I've ever had throughout my life.  During my years as a volunteer with the National Zoo in Washington, DC, serving as a "observer of behavior" for tigers, gorillas and pandas, I witnessed it firsthand in their behavior each and every time I was on duty.  So, yes, I am a true believer.

You might be wondering what this has to do with Boolatry?  In 2015, I saw the movie INSIDE OUT (first release) with my youngest grandson, and earlier this summer, with that now teenage grandson thoroughly enjoyed the new INSIDE OUT II.  

All those wonderful (or not so much so) feelings tumbling around inside those young minds ~ not to be stifled, but to be let out ~ in appropriate ways, to be understood, to be properly managed, or celebrated.  And as those young minds grow up, new feelings and emotions arrive "up there", bringing confusion, or fear, or uncertainty.  So many many, so much, so much.  

And it entered my own somewhat muddled up inside-out-adult-mind one day, when looking at my little kitty cat as she watched something or other, that her mind too was full of all those feelings ~ they were there, in her movements, in her actions, in her sounds, and on her face ~ if I was only open to seeing them.

The characters from that film are also INSIDE June,
and since we're doing "characters" all month it felt right 
to show and share these as part of Boolatry.

So, we let them OUT, for June has these feelings too!
As do all our animal and pet friends.

June will look up, wide eyed, alert, all 'round when joyful.

If anxious or stressed, she'll hunch down, or turn away, sit near furniture or the wall.

When sad or disturbed, it's likely her head will lower, her back hunch
down a bit, perhaps even her eyes close slightly.

When fearful, if not going into a full hiding mode, she will again have
wide eyes, but be in a down low attack mode.

I am thankful that we share our feelings and
emotions with our beloved pets ~ and that they honor us by
sharing theirs with us.

October 16, 2024

October 15, 2024


Westminster Hall, a converted Gothic Revival church built on arches above the Westminster Burying Grounds, established in 1786.  Beneath gravestones, decorated tablets and slabs, granite vaults and catacombs, many now with rusted or broken locks rest hundreds of soldiers from the American Revolution and the War of 1812.  Alongside are remains of political and civic leaders of the time. Perhaps the most notable among residents here is Edgar Allan Poe.  Though not originally his burial place, he was moved here and placed in an unmarked grave at the back of the grounds.  In the late 1800s, school children in Baltimore, through a project called "Pennies for Poe" raised funds for a proper monument.  Poe, his wife Virginia, and mother-in-law Maria were reinterred for their final rest just inside the gates to the church. 

Three roses.  Cognac.  Mystery.  For sixty-years, on the 19th of January, the anniversary of Poe's death in 1849, a visitor to the burial grounds left these as a "memorial" at Poe's gravesite.  Although some have made claim to being this visitor, no identity has ever been confirmed.  The gifts were never again left after 19 January 2009.  It remains a mystery.


"This it is and nothing more."  THE RAVEN 

First published in the American Whig Review, 1845

And, of course, JUNE visits, though with a single rose, and wearing her Ravens cap. 


October 14, 2024


. . . June and JuneToo go tricking 'n' treating . . .