October 28, 2024


"What Washington needs is adult supervision."
Barack Obama


October 27, 2024


We voted yesterday.  Well, not me.  I'm not old enough, not yet.
But when mine Mommy was looking at the sample ballot that came in the mail,
I helped by putting my paw on who she should choose!
She said that was very helpful.

We chose a new Senator, and a Mayor for our city.
We also chose several people for City Council, and some Judges, new and old.

There was a really important amendment to our state constitution
to protect the reproductive rights of women! YES!

And there were a lot of ballot initiatives to fund or not fund,
things for our city and county, some we approved and others we did not approve.

It took some time to read through it all before deciding on some of those
issues, and even to do a little research on a few of them.
But it's really critical to be a well informed voter.

Mine Mommy told me she has now voted for over 60-years, and she doesn't
think she's ever missed an election ~ local, primary or presidential.
She's also been registered and voted in 6 different states.

She also said she doesn't put a lot of "faith or trust" in all these polls!
With all her own personal voting history,
she's never once been polled by any pollster anywhere anytime!

And meow, I almost furgot to mention that we also
voted for Madam President ~ the hat I'm wearing today,
I think this is the one I'll be wearing for the next 4 years!


October 26, 2024

October 24, 2024



Today we're posting the 17th edition of our annual Halloween Haunting poem, which first appeared on our Zoolatry blog in October 2007.  Over the years it has been rewritten to reflect the pets that were part of our lives at the time ~ kitties Maggy and Zoey, and later Dougie Dog.  It also changed ever so slightly when we moved from living in Florida and returned North to life in Maryland.  But it has always been a part of our month of Boolatry, that one month when "Zoolatry" fades away a little bit and we try to share the silly, spooky, spectacular fun our pets might have if they were part of BarkOWeen, MeowOWeen ... Halloween!

Oh, if you're wondering, or maybe not ... why HAUNTING is posting today, when Halloween is still one full week away ... next Thursday, October 31 ... well, because we can!  And because we (or JUNE) want to, and want to take a few days from "now on" to focus on some other things impawtent to us.

So, read on if you wish.  JUNE shares our poem, showing off her fave Halloween costume as the one and only polka dot kitty.  And to one and all, when the day does come, be safe.

October 23, 2024