December 13, 2007


Hey, Maggy... do you think if we untangle all these lights that got tangled up last year (I did not do it) we could still get the Zoolatry Human to put up a tree? A tree for me!
Zoey, can't you see I'm resting. Besides my paws 'n toesies are far to delicate to do untangling work. And in case you haven't noticed, the Zoolatry Human still has her head-in-the-sand. Or maybe her head is in that mess on the kitchen table? Remember, she said... I can't do a wedding and do Christmas, too! So now the humans can't even eat at their table (maybe they can eat off a mat on the floor like we do, he-he)... unless it's seashells, and seaglass and baggies they're gonna be eatin.
So, let's just be thankful and you stop being a whiny-baby
or Santa will leave you only a lump of coal.
Let's be thankful for (1) each other, (2) our good beans, (3) great grandma bean and all her toys, (4) nice home and sunshine, (5) grand baby beans even tho they annoy us sometimes, (6) kid beans, (7) all the kitties who come to visit us here, (8) Ms Judi and the Cat Doctor who take such good care of us when we need it, (9) our teacher who just gave us an "A" on our writing assignment, (10) CoCo who has come to live with us,
(11) (12) (13) -- I am going to think and re--think and think again about Number One on this list.


  1. Boy, it's busy down there! But really, you do have a lot to be thankful for!

  2. Super Dad to the rescue. OK girls, I'll dig out that pine tree in the woods for you and we'll decorate it for the bean who has her head in the sand. That way she won't see what we're doing. OK? Go Dadday!

  3. Yeah for Daddy! A tree at last! We understand that a wedding is lots of work and at Christmas! Wow! We love your reasons to be thankful.
    Your FL furiends,

  4. That is a lovely thankful Thursday. How long until the wedding?

  5. You both have a lot to be thankful for! Such lucky kitties. =^_^=

    But I understand, Zoey . . . trees are FUN!

  6. Those are very good things to be thankful for.

  7. Those are very nice things to be thankful for!

  8. Pretty good reasons to be thankful.
    A wedding!! At christmas!! That would be nice :) No wonder yer Mom is so busy :) Mom does not have that excuse heehee!

  9. Wow a wedding and Christmas too! That sure is a lot going on! With that much going on our mom would be pulling out her hair - shich she doesn't have a lot of! Sounds like super dad is going to save the day!

    Midnite & Stray Kitty

  10. Yayyy furr your dad,you're going to have a tree to play wiv.Bet your mum will be sirpurrized when she sees it all dekkeraytid
