April 19, 2008


will return next weekend.
Today we salute all who answered the question, "if you were a color, what color would you be?" Lots of friends responded, and all are shown below. Rocky, Angie & S'mores have a brand new blog, no pictures available just yet, but here's what they had to say. ROCKY -- I'd be red 'acause it matches my red-headed-devil purrsonality. ANGIE -- I'm a drama queen, so I would be black cuz it's dramatic. S'MORES -- I would be pink, like cotton candy which is pink and sweet, like me.


  1. what a great idea to have kitties pick their color. i'd have to think on it. sometimes i'm mellow yellow, sometimes i'm red as a devil. that is bendrix of course.

    i love love love your jewel photos. how stunning you both look!

  2. This was a fun game! I really enjoyed it. Hope you have others that we can play. Of course all of the photos are beautiful.

  3. This is wonderful! It must take a long time to do this :)
    Thank you!!
    Purrs Mickey

  4. That is really kool -- we Ballicai are gonna swat Momma cuz she was so dang buzzy and we missed this! But the pickshures you maded fur effurybodies are just beeyootiful! We just love love love yur photo art.

    We love the kwestshun about kolurs, so here are our answurs: I'd be sapphire blue cuz I'm a furry laid back little feller who likes to have funsies and the blue matches my eyes. Dorydoo would be gold cuz the gold matches her eyes and she's gotta mind of gold cuz she's so smart! Brainball would be camouflage kolured beckause he's the Alpha Cat of the Ballicai and Marilyn would be spangly red like the red dress Mickey gave her!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  5. Hi Maggy & Zoey!
    We just loved picking our colors ~ it was so much fun! :)

    We are so flattered to have you feature our new blog on your blog! We is just blushin' and blushin'!

    Have a great day :)

    Us xo
