April 19, 2008


KELLIE -- I'd be orange, just like I am, spicey, playful and outrageous. SAMANTHA -- I'd be a vibrant, sassy, hot red! MOMO -- I'd be blue-green that is quiet, serene, unflappable, just like me. FOREST -- I'd be green, like a forest, the bestest of colors. SASSY -- I do like pink. But it will take time to think about this. SNOW -- I'd be green, too... just like Forest.
DIAMOND Emerald Eyes -- I am red! Beautiful, and very pampered and very devilish. MR. TIGGER -- I would be a mellow, calm and kicked-back orange. CHEYSULI -- I would be regal purple, stunning, royal, naturally. DRAGONHEART -- I would be olive drab green, like my dad's green uniform. TYBALT -- I'd be lavendar, royal, yet soft and floofy, like me. HOLLY -- I would be red, passionate and exciting.

IVY -- I would be yellow, it's cheerful and you couldn't miss me! BERT -- I'd be blue, the color of the sky on a sunny day. MERLIN -- I would be red. I'm always on fire, and a real lover boy. MICKEY -- I'd be green like the grass, cause I love grass, mmmmm. PARKER -- I can't choose, I'd be different colors like my eyes. PEARL -- I'd be purple, regal and deep!


  1. Yup, I can naver make up my little kitty mind!

  2. How neat is that, I am in the same photo as my sissy, Momo kitty. It was fun to see what colors everyone liked. This was a good game. I hope you have others we can play.

  3. We are s colourful bunch aren't we!!! I look good in green :)
    Yeah,grass green :)
    Purrs Mickey

  4. Oh, I love THEM ALL! As usual, the Zoolatry Human has outdone herself!!!
