April 29, 2008


So... Maggy thought she could steal the spotlight this morning... HA! I am awake now and ready to do my post for the day: on Himalayans! Maggy and me are Himalayan cats, sometimes called "himmies". I am a blue point, two years old and Maggy is a tortie-point, three-and-a-half years old. Right now our relationship is still a bit strained, tho we used to like one another -- and it will happen again! Did you know that we himmies were officially recognized by the ACFA and the CFA in 1957. On the CARS, that's the Cat Activity Richter Scale, we are about a "3" with "10" as the most active. Sometimes it is said we are like a "shoebox with legs". We have flat snub noses, big floofy tails, a lions ruff and most always we have blue eyes. My eyes are big and round and Maggy's are more like Meezer eyes. Maggy talks a lot too, though no one seems to know what she's saying (like the political candidates the Humans watch on TV). The Zoolatry Human really likes this close-up and personal picture of me -- it shows the distinctive "upside down M, or right side up W" marking on my forehead that all of us himmies are supposed to have.
And Maggy thought I was sleeping and taking the day off, I do see somehow she managed to take Top Billing on this post. HA!


  1. Uh Oh, I see that Maggy was discovered : )

  2. It's sometimes nice to share the top spot, even when they do call you "The bare one"

    Purrs, Sukie X

  3. Hi Sweet Zoey ~ Thank you for the interesting information on Himmies!

    We love the close-up picture of your pretty face! :)


  4. Awwww, I was hoping you's be more friendly by now. I guess in time, when your furs are all back, you two will resume your relationship!
    Smooches to you two!

  5. Hi Zoey! Glad you awoke! It's okay to share with Maggy! You are a beautiful kitty! Your furs are growing out quite nicely, as are mine! Thank you for the info on Himmies!

    Love, Seaborne

  6. Gee Zoey, it's too bad you & Maggy are not buds yet. Soon though. No cat can resist your cuteness forever :)
    Purrs Mickey
