May 08, 2008


Purrs to one & all who have asked about LBSKG (Little Black Stray Kitty Girl). So far, so good. She still keeps a proper distance... but has come a wee bit closer to us from time to time. As best we can tell, her two little kits are still safe. We've hesitated to disturb their area. Pictures here are from yesterday & this morning. Clockwise from top left: (1) breakfast time is around 6 a.m. She may skitter between her dish and the kits nest on the north side of the house, seems very aware of every little sound in the woods - and runs off to check on the little ones. (2) Afternoons she often naps in the shade of the front porch. (3) A great vantage point: the ZH desk and window which overlooks her nest in the woodpile; "X" marks the spot. Also a box padded with soft stuff we put out for her. She has not put the little ones in the box, but she will often nap in there. (4) Danger lurks... this is Mama Rockette, she also has a litter of three nearby in the woods. She's bold, brazen and fearless. Frequently enjoys LBSKG's food and water. We actually have a pitchfork now on the front porch to swing at her and shoo her away and we'll chase her if we see her nearing the kits nesting area. Mostly Rockette is nocturnal, so we now take the food and water away at night. The ZH Dad has been adding chicken, the real stuff, to the food dish - it's making quite a hit! We may in another week or so, see if we can get a peek at the little ones... later!


  1. Oh, that you so much for the update on LBSKG! She seems to be getting a little braver! Bad Rockette....leave the kittens alone!

    So, real chicken huh....Mommy.....REAL CHICKEN.....want some!!!!

  2. This is so sweet and a bit scary with that other creature lurking! Since MB & MM moved to Yorkshire we don't ever see stray cats. I think there are still a lot down South though.

    Purrs, Sukie X

  3. I am so glad that it seems LBSKG and her kits are doing well. Thanks for keeping us updated!

  4. She looks like a sweetie pie! And kudos to the Zoolatry Dad for putting out CHICKEN!

  5. We hope everything continue to go okay for LBSKG and her kits - that raccoon looks scary!

  6. what a good girl. poor sweetie to have those nasty racoons nearby. maybe in a few weeks your mommy can snatch the kittens and take them to a rescue place? if not, you may feed many many more kittens soon!
    she is a pretty kitty and seems like a very good mommy.

  7. Oh, I am so glad that LBSKG is getting braver and it sounds like she is a good momma cat. I am also happy that she is getting chicken - I love chicken!

    Purrrrrrrs, Willow
