May 07, 2008


Kilroy, the Love Beastie tagged me. The rules are simple, post them at the beginning... answer each question about yourself. At the end, tag some other friends (4 or 5 maybe), and be sure to visit them to let them know they've been tagged.

1. WHAT WAS I DOING 10-YEARS AGO? Well, seeing how the Zoolatry Human can hardly remember what she did yesterday, 10-years ago is a lost cause and I would have had to ask her what I was doing then. Sorry.

2. WHAT ARE 5 THINGS ON MY "TO DO" LIST TODAY? Following the lead of my ZH, I don't do "to do's"... we instead do a "HoneyDo" list for the other ZH. So, being somewhat lazy, anything that might have been on my list has been moved to his list. Sorry.

3. SNACKS I ENJOY? Well, the very bestest of all is SHRIMP. I know the minute I smell the horseradish and see the ketchup bottle -- it's SHRIMP cocktail time! YEAH!

4. THINGS I WOULD DO IF I WERE A BILLIONAIRE? Gosh, I've only got about 25-cents in my piggy bank and am finding it most hard to think "that big". But I think maybe I'd take care of all the dogs and kitties that need caring for.

5. THREE OF MY BAD HABITS? Catching all sorts of things on my snaggle tooth is one. Getting wet in the sink or the shower and that makes my furs mattied-up is two. Eating paper is three.

6. FIVE PLACES I HAVE LIVED? Well, there's really only two -- the pig farm which the Zoolatry Humans rescued me from... and now, here with them and with Maggy and Great Grandma and LBSKG out in the yard. In a previous life, I lived at Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey Circus as I'm clown.

7. FIVE JOBS I HAVE HAD? Keeping Maggy in line is my No. 1 job. Watching how LBSKG is doing is my job right now, and I see the raccoon has been eating her food. I also do a lot of dusting with my floofly big tail, table tops, floors -- no ceiling fans however. I also keep a close watch on the doors, am a doorman at times. And I am a secretary, keeping the ZH desks nice and tidy.


  1. MMMmmmmMMMM! Shrimps! I think that's a great snack! How is LBSKG doing? Have you seen her kittens?

  2. shrimp..prawns..wonderful food! Also, I am impressed that you clean with your floofy tail! x

  3. I think you did an excellent job on that meme, Zoey. Shrimp sounds super yummy!

  4. Hmmm...Shrimps sound very tasty! How are LBSKG and the kittens?

  5. Shrimp sounds good right now. Where is my breakfast?!!!!

  6. Ooh shrimps! I haven't had one of those yet! And I liked your picture at the top.

  7. Oooh shrimps. I think I'll ask MB for some of those, they sound nice. Would prawns do the trick?

    Purrs, Sukie X

  8. That was a good Meme. You sure have some very important jobs!

  9. You have funny bad habits, hahahaha!
    We LOVE that picture of you writing your meme!

  10. We have never had shrimp..but we have a furend named SHRIMP! Your pic is so very cool & your MEME was fun to read.=^Y^=

  11. That's a hahaha meme there, Zoey. We had fun reading it, Mbean can't stop giggling at the moment...
    How many teeny LBSKG are there altogether now??

  12. You are eating papers? Wow! And the secretary job sounds great! hehe

    Have a great day!
