June 16, 2008

6:00 PM, Monday, The Wonders of Life

We wrote earlier today about losing DELTA. The twists and turns of life continue to amaze. Within an hour of the phone call from Dr Sarah, CHARLIE entered the cage in back. It was pouring down rain, thunder and lightening. But there he was, our wet and scraggly tiger baby. We brought the cage inside to the back porch where ANNIE was resting. Charlie was not at all frantic as Delta had been. He seems calm to be beside Annie. We managed to get toweling into his cage, he has dutifully bathed himself. He was served dinner and fresh water. He played happily with a fevver at one end of the cage, while food was put in through the other end. It is too late to take him to the clinic, so together they will spend the night on the porch and off he'll go in the morning. Right now he's snuggled up napping.
Maggy and Zoey are the sentinels... their little flat himmie noses getting flatter by the minute for being pressed against the French doors wondering "who can that be?"
My husband ran off to the store... and pulling into the driveway just a short time ago, saw BRAVO running into the woods, right to the spot where the family had made their nest a week or more ago. We are short any more traps, but may be able to hand-catch him this evening, and if not we'll have one of the cages free as of tomorrow morning.
Hey DELTA... thank you little one... you sent some important messages out to your siblings before you traveled to the bridge... I know you did... you told them to come home to us.


  1. We are so happy you are saving those kitties! You sure have golden hearts!! Wuv, The Cat Street Boyz

  2. Sometimes with a bit of sadness comes good news too. We are all purrings that all the other kittys fair well with at the v-e-t-s.

  3. We're so glad you've got little Charlie, and we're purring for the capture of Bravo. C'mon, little one, come home!

  4. What an exciting update. Am so glad little Charlie is calm.
    Sweet little Delta did his job well, he got the message out. From re-reading the earlier posts, sounds like he was the runt of the litter.
    Thanks for the posts, Ann, and for being look-outs, Maggy and Zoey.
    Love, ML

  5. We're glad you have some good news to cheer you up. The last post was a sad one. We're rooting for the rest of Annie's family to come through the surgery with flying colors.

    purrs and tail wags

  6. Oh that is wonderful that you have Charlie ready to go and Bravo being seen! We were sad to hear of Delta Dons passing to the Rainbow Bridge! We know you did what was best! We are glad Annie will be released tomorrow. Let's hope Maggy and Zoey's noses will un-squish!
    Your FL furiends,

  7. Delta Don played on the porch outside my office window. He truly loved his furry mousie. He also stayed so close to Mom who this blog calls Annie, Zoey & Me named Midnight. Regardless he will be blessed by the God and Goddess and he will find his way to the Rainbow Bridge. And soon his family and friends will know peace.

  8. We're sending heartfelt purrs that all will go well tomorrow.
    Fern and Maddie and Kat

  9. You did the right thing - our hearts go out to you and to Don, he did send a message to his sibs. What a sweet angel he was.
    I hope Bravo will allow himself to be cuaght too.
    Smooches and purrs from all od us in O Hi O

  10. It seems that Delta's purpose was to try and save his siblings. Little Delta, we are so sorry you ran off to the Bridge. We knows that you will always be watching over your momma and Charlie and Bravo. We cannot say goodbye, just "Until we meet at the Bridge"

  11. YEAH! I am glad you have had some good news today too! I hope things go well for Charlie!

  12. What wonderful beans you have to take care of the other kitties. Too bad they can't come in and play with you. So sorry to hear about poor little Delta. Special purrs to you.

  13. We are sending huge purrs to you for caring for this kitty family. We are very sad about Delta Don. At least his short life was without pain or fear:)
    We will purr very hard for Charlie to come back too !!!
    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

  14. Oh, I'm glad Charlie is okay now! Now Bravo needs to come back... This is nerve wracking for us, I can't imagine what you are feeling! Zoey and Maggie must be wondering "what the heck?" ;)
    Delta is safe and warm at the Bridge and he has so many friends to play with. We need to keep that hope alive. Now my eyes are tearing up.
    Big Hugs to You,

  15. So sorry about little Delta but happy to hear that the other two babies have been accounted for! I'm sure Delta had a hand in it and will be watching over them all.

  16. Delta told his siblings that they would be safe with you!
