June 22, 2008


Once upon a time we had a blog, but no one ever came to visit. Lots of cool art pictures, and photos of family. Once in awhile, there was a picture of Maggy or a picture of Zoey... and those pictures sometimes drew comments. So, The Zoolatry Human shook the cobwebs out of her head and said, "Maggy and Zoey should have a blog" and thus, Zoolatry was born.
This is Margaret Mary, best known as Maggy (also Magoogster, Magoogy, and MagMag) ... our three and a half year old tortie-point Himalayan. She's sweet and calm, ever the elegant lady, a bit of a talker and quite independent, here we picture all her wonderful parts.
This is Zoey... silly, funny, charming Zoey (ZoZo, Zosters and sometimes "Oh No"). She's a two year old blue point Himalayan girl who keeps us laughing and has been the spirit and life of Zoolatry. Here are pictured all her special parts and bits and pieces, of course, not giving any special mention to that very special snaggly tooth.
All week long The Zoolatry Human is posting her own personal favorite photo art of Maggy and Zoey. You may have seen some before (we hope we don't bore you)... but they are the ones she likes best, and we (M and Z) didn't have any say in the matter this time.
It's been quite a year for us here at Zoolatry. In total we've done nearly 2,000 pictures for other kitties all around the cat world, we've met wonderful people and enjoyed reading their stories and seeing the photos of their kitties. We've celebrated birthdays and weddings, and holidays and special times.
We've played football, read poems, welcomed new little ones to the world,
partied and traveled far and wide. Here at the Zoolatry home we met a new little family of ferals and you shared with us the fun of getting to know them, and care for them.
We've sent get well wishes, and when the time came, we said goodbye to special friends who crossed the rainbow bridge.
There have been tears. There has been laughter. It's been a very good year.
Thank You.


  1. Happy one year Blogoversary Zoolatry!!!! YEAH

  2. God bless our wonderful Zoolatry and all who sail in her. :)

    With love from Pyewacket, Trixie, Tigger the FBI cat and their mom, Leslie. XOX

  3. A year???????

    party again!

  4. Happy Blogiversary Zoolatry! Many more to come...

  5. Catgratz on your 1 year anniversary Zoolatry:) You have amazing & cool design graphics & pictures, we love them so much...umm, probably can you teach us someday how to do that great stuff?

    meaouwy troops

  6. Oh wowie, Happy Blogiversary to you, wunnerful Zoolatry kitties and beans! Maggy and Zoey, you are both soooo beeyootiful, and yur Momma is so furry tallented and sweet to create so many wunnerful pickshures for effuryone to enjoy.

    You are superduper! Thanks fur bein our furriends!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  7. Happy Blogiversary, dear Zoolatry! I love your blog -- your talent and creativity delight me! Sending huge hugs and hopes for many more years of blogging!

    Love and purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

  8. Happy Blogoversary! I have really enjoyed coming to visit and seeing all the great artwork. I look forward to seeing your favorites.

  9. Congratulations and Happy Blogoversary! One week celebration, this will be fun! And those are such nice pictures of the 2 of you!

    2000 pictures, wow, that's a whole bunch!

    I have passed the 'Arte y Pico' award to you! It's waiting for you on our blog!

    Have a great and relaxing Sunday!

  10. Happy Blogaversary! :) We are so happy that you started blogging - we've enjoyed getting to know you and you have been so generous in sharing your graphic talents with the Cat Blogosphere. :)

  11. Happy Blogoversay! We are very proud that you are our friends!

  12. Time to hit the liquer locker. Congratulations, purrs Mom Bean.

  13. HAPPY ONE YEAR BLOGOVERSARY!!! We don't know what we would do without Maggy, Zoey and the Zoolatry Human! Thank you for being our dearest friends!!!

    Love, The Taylor CatSSSSS and Deb

  14. The new blog ROCKS! I like how clean and easy it is to read and the blue against white is simply elegant.

    I am commenting before I am awake again so I'll stop now but ML says THANKS for pimping her mosaics in your sidebar!

    Happy One!

  15. Happy Blogoversary!!! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the beautiful pictures you have made of us and sharing your life with those darling Himmies with us.

    Many, many more to come!


    Laila and Peggy

  16. Happy Blogiversary Zoolatry.Your blog is great :)

  17. Happy Anniversary, Zoolatry! Here's to many more years of blogging!!

    Wally, Ernie & Zoey
    The Island Cats

  18. Happy Blogiversary Zoolatry! Woo hoo! We can hardly remember when you weren't here. hehehe We are so glad you're our furriends!
    the Hotties

    Pee Ess. I'm sure Gree would say it if she weren't on her honeymoon, so I'll say it for her: Fanks so much for helping the wedding guests get dressed up. Yall did a super job! Purrrrrs, your bud Pepi

  19. Happy happy blogoversary! Thank you so much for all your wonderful posts and graphics!

  20. Happy 1st Blogoversary!

    Purrs, Sukie X

  21. WooHoo! Thank YOU for the wonderful contribution you've made to the blogosphere. I can't wait to see your favorite photos.
    Hugs and headbumps,

  22. HAPPY 1st BLOGOVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!! It has been a wonderful year.We love your graphics and look forward to seeing many,many more!!!!! Yoy have a really fun blog.Thank yoy!! :)

    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

  23. Happy Blogoversary to you all!!
    We are glad that you joined the CB a year ago can't imagine it without you anymore!

    love and hugs
    Kashim & Othello

  24. Congratulations on your one year blogoversary!

  25. Many congratulations on your one year Blogoversary!!!!

  26. Congratulations and Happy 1st Blogoversary!!! We look forward (with glee) to seeing all your favorite photos this week and we are so glad to have met you.
    -Kilroy, his mommy & the gang

  27. Happy 1 Year Blogoversary Zoolatry!! We have enjoyed your Blog and thank you for all you do!
    Kittyhugs and love,
    Samantha, Mr. Tigger and Chandra

  28. Jes a yeer? To heer how much evryone loves yoo I wooda thot yood been heer since the beginning of time! I aint bin heer long but I lerned reel kwick that the kitties and bean at Zoolatry wuz always a must visit kinda joint.


  29. Happy Blogoversary to Zoolatry. May you have many more.

  30. Happy one year Blogiversary to Zoolatry! Your beautiful artwork and wonderful posts always make us smile so much! Maggy and Zoey are such beautiful subjects, and yet you find the time to share your wonderful talent with your friends in the CB, and we truly appreciate it!
    Purrs and headbutts,
    Sabrina, Sam and Simon

  31. Congratulations on your 1 year blogoversary! You, Maggy and Zoey, are two beautiful girls with 'tude. Catitude.

    purrs and tail wags

  32. My goodness, how time flies! Happy Blogoversary, you've certainly improved the artistic content of the cat blogosphere!


  33. Happy one year Blogoversary! ~Socks, S & C

  34. Hooray for your 1st Blogoversary! We love all of your artistry and everything you do on your blog!

    Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
    and Momma Teri!

  35. Happy first blogoversary! Has it only been a year, it seems like we've known you forever...guess that's the way it is with good friends.

  36. Happy One Year Blogoversary! You make so many people happy with the amazing pictures you create and Maggy and Zoey are just adorable. The story of Annie and her kittens has kept us all engaged and with smiles and tears. I'm so glad to have met you. :)
    Hugs and Purrs Zoolatry!

  37. What a nice way to celebrate your one year blogaversary! The blog is great.

  38. We are just trying to catch up on our blogging! Wishing you beautiful girls a wonderful birthday. We are so glad to have met you and to have you as our friends!

    Opus and Roscoe
