September 27, 2010


 Deadline to submit your Livestrong Day post photos to Chandra,
for the Slide Show presentation is Wednesday, September 29.
You'll also be able to get the HTML code from her
 to include the show on your own blog. Thank you.
 On Livestrong Day, Saturday, October 2, be
sure to visit (click here and save) CATS OF WILDCAT WOODS
and also THE CAT'S MEOW to include your post with Mr Linky.
The OZARK MOUNTAIN CATS are managing a special blog for Livestrong Day.
Be sure to stop by and thank them for their help and support.
You can email Linda at the address above to
get the sign in id and password which allows you to post to the blog.
Here is the link to preview the blog, open to all pet bloggers:

Last, though far from least, I want to purr-sonally thank
Jan, Chandra, Linda and Cheryl
for their help with this event. 
I received a press release a few days ago from and would like to share their quote, from Lance Armstrong, made during his recent attendance at a global summit on cancer.
"Cancer is currently one of the most preventable and curable of the major life-threatening diseases.  However, access to prevention and treatment for the 28 million people worldwide facing cancer is often not available.  We must do more to ensure access, affordable care and equal health rights for the global community."
To visit the official LIVESTRONG website, click here.
If you haven't yet had time to sign on as a blog supporter for this event, you'll see us listed here:
LIVESTRONG Blogger Event Sign In

Now: Maggy and Zoey, and the Zoolatry Human, Ann are going to take a deep breath,
put our paws up, lay our heads down on something soft...
let the picture-making fingers relax, and give the blurry eyes some relief from the monitor glare...
but we'll be back on Saturday and hope to see all of you then!
And if anyone has any questions at all, you can email us,
Thank You Friends


  1. What an AWESOME post ~ thank you for doing so much for us all to help this LIVESTRONG event.

    Blessings and love, to you and Vic and your family.


  2. What a great post! WE WILL BE GOING YELLOW FOR SURE!!

  3. Thank you for all you do for us. This will be great - rest up this week and relax!

  4. We are gonna go yellow too!!! In honor of our mom and to all who have lost their battle with cancer and their surviving families.

  5. We are already getting our post ready, and mom is trying to make a banner for that day (she is going to make a pink one for breast cancer awareness month, and then just make a yellow version for LIVESTRONG day) so that we can be totally yellow (fonts, background etc, will change). We are excited at what a great response there has been so far!

  6. Thanks for all the work you have done Ann!!! We really appreciate it!! Blessings to you all!!
    (((((HUGGGGSSSS))))) from Your TX furiends,

  7. Shiloh'n Shasta here - we want tu pawtisipate tu - we r goona du a blog post on 10/2. Can we submit a photo of us fer the slideshow?

  8. We're going yellow. See you Saturday.

  9. You are amazing...just when things seem the darkest, you rally everyone around and bring out the best in everyone!
