May 19, 2013


Purrs ~ two little kitties, they lived by the sea.
They romped and rollicked throughout their days in a Land called Zoolatry.
Many friends would visit, their pictures all could see, and read the stories,
of their glories, they shared with you and me.
Purrs ~ two little kitties, they lived by the sea.
They played and preened throughout their days in a Land called Zoolatry.
Together they would travel, to places far and wide,
to visit friends and swish their tails, the ZH by their side.
Purrs ~ two little kitties, they lived by the sea.
Sometimes they hissed and furs would fly in that Land called Zoolatry.
Purrs ~ two little kitties, who lived by the sea, they loved their blog,
they loved their friends in the Land called Zoolatry ~ but even little kitties
know that things don't stay the same.
For now those travels far and wide lead to
a new home, new place, new name.
They'll leave behind the palm trees, the sunshine and the sea,
they'll soon discover autumn leaves and snowflakes falling free.
Purrs ~ two little kitties, who once lived by the sea,
will soon live happily ever after in a New Land of Zoolatry.

Based on the song lyrics ~ Puff, The Magic Dragon by Leonard Lipton and Peter Yarrow, (c) 1963


  1. I'm not sure whether to congratulate you on the sale of your home or give you a cyber hug. Maybe both. I can imagine, though, the deeply mixed feelings.

    Purrs from the boys and paws crossed that all goes well with the impending move.

  2. Awwww two gorgeous kitties about to embark on a fantastic adventurous trip away from the sea and towards a land of falling leaves and gentle snow!! Awwwww!! We wish you all the best with your move and know you will have many happy times and build lots of great memories where you are going! Take care

  3. We all wish you a happy and very safe move.

  4. You will girls will be having a big adventure soon and you must help your Mom a lot. You'll need to pack up all your toys and help her with her packing too - just make sure you don't forget to take your happy memories along too.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Well that is sort of exciting to be starting on some new memories. We know it will be sad for you to move though. Take good care.

  6. Oh wow! Where are you going, girls? It sounds as though you'd better make sure your furs are thick and floofy xx

  7. Good luck to you! No chance you're coming to Michigan are you?

    Nubbin wiggles,

  8. I'm so pleased this is all going ahead ~ I know it's hard to leave a place behind that's full of loving memories, but now new memories can be made. Sending love and purrs ~ will be e-mailing you later today.

    Love Jan xxx
    Milo and Alfie xx

  9. OMC! Ladies, this is BIG news! Wow!

    Well, MomKatt & I both hope this works out for your meowmy & for you two. I think it's good to start over somewhere new, and pursue new adventures, etc. In fact, my Mom&DadKatt are thinking of doing the same thing here in a little while. Shhh! Don't tell anyone! It's a secret so far.

    Purrs & we'll always be here!

    Selina & MomKatt Laura

  10. I am so happy for you kitties that mommy was able to let someone else have your beautiful home. She, my mom, told me she loves your home and wishes she could live there, but someone else will have that pleasure and you kitties will have a beautiful new home to play in. WE hope we get to see it some day soon. xo

  11. ConCatulations! We hope everything goes smoothly with the closing and the move!

    We're sad that you'll be far away from us though.

    The Florida Furkids

  12. Wishing you the very best as you wrap things up in this Land of Zoolatry and move to the New one. Purrs and nosekissies to all.

  13. What good news and such a fun way to announce it. You ladies are going to have a grand adventure.
    Best wishes on the move into your new land
    Madi and mom

  14. Oh, my, are you going to live near your daughter and that sweet little grandson of yours?

    Congrats on the home sale. New adventures are always exciting even if leaving the familiar is a little unsettling. I wish you all the happiness in this world of ours.

  15. We are looking forward to sharing your new adventure with you. We knows that moving is hard and sometimes it takes a little while for a new place to feel like home, but we just knows you will fall in love with your new home and have many wonderful adventures there. We will be thinking of you and purring that the move goes smoothly.

  16. Congrats on the pending sale. I know it's going to be an emotional move, but we're impressed at how fast you got a contract on the house in this market. Best of luck on the upcoming move.

    We're sorry to lose another Florida cat blogger, but it's great that you'll be closer to the rest of your family and can continue your adventures with things like autumn leaves.

  17. That is wonderful news! As much as we'd love to have you living near us in ChiTown, we hope you are going to a less crowded and safer area! How exciting!

  18. It is always hard to let go, but just think of the new adventures for ZH, Zoey, and Maggy. We seriously wish you all the very best in your move, and we hope that all the good parts of Zoolatry follow you along the way.

    Hugs and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning, and Mom too

  19. Ahh, there's nothing more satisfying than to close a house sale, IMO! Of course, there's lots more work and snoopervising to be done, but still ... you're partway to your goal. And the best part will be to live near family. There's nothing quite like it!

    Hugs and purrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssss ...

    Marilynn & Grace

  20. Sending good wishes for your move...

  21. We know it's tough to leave behind a place you've known for so long with all of the memories. We're sending purrs that your new adventures will be satisfying and happy for you. We'll follow you wherever you go.

    Truffle, Brulee, and Mom Paula

  22. Oh the sea is such a magical place! But I am sure you will be very happy in your new home! Please update us soon!


    Pee.s. LOVE my headers that you made for us!

  23. Best of luck, Ann!!! I am thinking of you, we are two souls sharing life at it's hardest.

    Hugs, Toni

  24. The best thing is that the two bootiful kiitehs in a lnd called Zoolatwy will still wule ovew theiw magic kingdom wif new adventoowes and in theiw loving home. No mattew whewe it is
    We wish you the best of luck and await fuwfew news
    Smoochie kisses
    Asta and Mommi

    We looove the poem

  25. Just don't forget any of your stuffs and you will be fine. A move is always exciting, new peeples, new places!

    We can't wait to hear all the details!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  26. We imagine your emotions are quite mixed. Please know we send our biggest hugs and purrs with your big move.

  27. That is a furry nice song, you two are so clever. You be good girls and helps your ZH, these are hard things to has so many changes so quick.

    We knows everything will turn out happily-ever-after acause your ZH is our hero.
    Love, TK and Pip

  28. Your house has sold, we hope you find much happiness in your new abode.
    Sweet William The Scot

  29. Very exciting and wonderful news! We will follow your adventures to the new land of Zoolatry. Good luck with your move. We'll be purring.

    xoxo Cory and family

  30. This will be a very exciting time. We wish you well with your move.

  31. Woo Hoo! Looking forward to the adventure!! xxoo

  32. Oh! You're moving north! Concatulations! That will be fun to see leaves changing colors and snow falling!

    Luf, Us

  33. Purrs to the Brave Kittens who lived by the sea,
    who will learn to love the changing seasons
    and build new memories!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  34. Congrats of selling your house!!! I'm sure you'll miss you home, but I hope you can make a new one easily!!

  35. Good luck and safe journey to your new home!

  36. We wish you well, sweet friends, on your new adventure. Remember: Snow is pretty, ladies, only from the inside where its warm, but fall leaves can be fun to play with.
    QUINN and Carol
    May there be lots of boxes to play in!

  37. Concatulations! We hope this is a very positive adventure for you. We can't wait to hear all the details. Where are you going? Going to be near family? etc. Sending our best wishes from Oklahoma. XOXOXO

  38. The "M" word. Hope things go well on your adventure.

  39. Oh boy! We hope this is a move you want and not one that you just need. We hope your new home is just wonderful when you get into it! Hugs and purrs!

  40. It must be hard to leave a home with so many happy memories but you will make new ones to add to the old ones. I wish you every happiness in your new home and a stress free move.

  41. Oh my! A move! What an adventure. We hate the "M" word and hope it goes smoothly for you!

  42. Mixed emotions I am sure!!! Wishing you the very best of luck on the move and sending you hugs and prayers!!
    Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  43. That will be a big change for you! You may have to purchase mittens!
    Looking forward to lots of pictures.
    ~ The Bunch

  44. We will be thinking of you all as you move to your new home. We think it will be a bittersweet move but exciting as well. Wishing you a safe journey and that all goes smooth. Hugs and nose kisses

  45. Oh Ann, I am so excited for you.
    Sending great big happy thoughts to you for your new adventure!

  46. So you're off to a new home in a new area. It's scary but exciting to move. We wish you all the best for your new life.

    Jan & Funny Farmers

  47. What a very "moving" song! We cant wait to learn where you girls are going to end up.

  48. Wow, reality is here now. Congratulations on your new home. I know it's bittersweet, but you have lots of wonderful memories and hopefully a lot of picture too. Before long the new home will feel like home too. Best of luck to all of you.

  49. where are you going?????? We are happy if you are happy! Wishing you the BEST of luck!! Love, Caren and Cody

  50. Sending purrs for a smooth move and exciting new chapter of your lives!

  51. I will follow you...
    over the mountain side...
    there isn't an ocean too deep,
    a mountain so high that could keep, keep me away...
    away from Zoolatry.

    we are delighted at your blessing and wish you a bright and happy move to a new land....wish we knew where...
    love Karla and the cozy cottage

  52. Concatulationz ^..^, having 4 seasonz iz an adventure in each! Good luck on your moving adventure ^.,^

    Purrz~ ^.,^ x5 + da mom :) ♥♥xoxo♥♥

  53. Sounds like new adventures are in store for you! We hope all goes smoothly with your anticipated move. We wish you all the best!

  54. I know you have been planning on this for some time. No matter where you go, it will be the land of Zoolatry!

  55. A very hectic time ahead. We wish you love and hope that the move goes smoothly and is free of stress. Don't worry about your friends because we will be there waiting when you arrive at your new home and ready to share the adventures with you. I know it will be both a sad time leaving behind your many memories but you will always have the wonderful memories and can now make many more to join them. Hugs GJ x

  56. We know you've been waiting for this for a long time now. Congratulations on the "Pending Sale" of the current Zoolatry Headquarters! I was so happy to get to meet you guys "in the furs" last summer and was hoping to get over there again this summer. But if not, best of luck to you in your new "headquarters" where you will be closer to your family. Keep in touch always!

    With Love.............

  57. maggy & zoey...ewe gurls are gonna love air iz crisp N kleen, its smells grate; therez like a bazillion diffrunt colors everee wear; itz knot two hot, itz knot two cold N ya dont knead bearz ta tell it itz just rite !!! best fishes two ewe N we hope if ya gotta mewve milez N milez N milez ya get to fly ta yur new houz with yur mom, like furst class...coz frank lee if ya gotta drive...wellllllllll.....

  58. We know it's sad to sell this home with so many memories. We're glad you can do a sweet creative post to soften it for yourself.

  59. Concats on the new home and new life you and your kitties are embarking on. My biggest wish is that you stay happy and healthy. Purrz.

  60. We are so happy for you!! Zoey & Maggy make sure you help your Mom!! Lots of hugs to you all!
    Your TX furiends,

  61. Dear Ann, Zoey and Maggy, we wish you many blessings as you embark on a new adventure. Thinking of you and wishing you all the best.

  62. We hope all goes well!

    prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
    Tiger Lily, Sushi and Marco Polo

  63. Concatulations on your move, always an exciting adventure. Hope you all enjoy it in your new home.
