October 18, 2016


 You know I live with Auntie Dee and Uncle Pierre ~ and
my roommates are PIP and TK.
These are their Meow-O-Ween pik-shurs!  Well, O.K., I cannot tell a lie,
they are the pik-shurs from last year, but mine mom, the Zoolatry Human has not seen the
Pipster or TK in awhile, so she doesn't have new photos of them (we'll blame Auntie Dee for that!).
But anyways, they both look very very cute, so it doesn't matter.  Right?  Right!

The PIPSTER ... a cute little boy, I love to play with him, and he loves to
play with me!  Together we painted our littery-box orange!  Cool!
TK ... our senior big bro-fur.  He actually rules the house, with a quiet but firm paw!
Since Mr Pierre is a retired Fire Chief, TK always wants to "be like Dad"!
Good lookin' costume ... TK to the rescue!


  1. These are both excellent photos of your kitty brothers! We had two kitties but mama was diagnosed with allergies to cats and asthma...so sadly we had to find them a new home. We just love those halloween pics!

  2. ooooh great!!! are that this jelly candies you have there Pipster? the mama would like to send them all to her tummy :o) To be a firefighter is a super idea... imagine what we could do with that waterhose.... I mean apart from fighting the flames :o)

  3. Pip and TK sure do make for adorable roomies. And we wish we had an orange litter box!

  4. Aw, we love these pictures of Pip and TK. They look great in their costumes!

  5. Am amazed that Pip and TK stood still enough to get photo, but those are some rocking costumes!

  6. Love the photos of Pip and TK. We think Auntie Dee was visiting with Marg and her crew for a while. Hopefully, you can see them again soon.

  7. Those are great costumes. We have to think of something good for us two to do.

    We can't wait to see what you will be doing for Halloween this year.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  8. Those are great pictures of Pip and TK ! Purrs

  9. waves two ewe TK & pip...it bee grate ta see ya both again, we mizz ya over heer...theeze fotoz total lee rock... even if they iz 352 dayz young !!! de food servizz gurlz dad werked on a fire dee part mint all hiz yeerz....we will hafta show him thiz post ♥♥♥☺☺☺

  10. Those are lovely Halloween pics of TK and Pip.

  11. Both good costumes... We are going to try using the Dr Suess hat...

  12. Oh what a joy to see those two boys I love them both with all my heart! They look magnificent. I miss them so much

  13. Very handsome roomies they are! Happy Halloween.
