May 14, 2018


Every furry knows that yesterday was "Mommy's Day".  I don't know anymore who my furry-mommy was,
though I'm sure she was very sweet and good and I know in my heart of hearts I love her and
I always will.
Now though, I live with my hu-mom Mommy who is the best of the best!
And of course, my granmommy (whose blog this is) and the grandboy (who is super special) and
I loves both of them, too!
But yesterday, I celebrated my MOMMY and the grandboy helped me make a special card for her
and when she first woke up I gave her my card and lots of slobbery kisses and tail wags!


  1. that is a super beautiful card... and what a sweet idea!!

  2. Dougie, that is such a nice care for your grand mommy. You all have a fabulous day.

  3. That was just so kind and nice of you, Dougie!!! Hope you and all of your family had a lovely day.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
