October 03, 2018

HARVEY BUTTON from DASH KITTEN visits Boolatry

I am HARVEY BUTTON, one among many living in middle earth at a blog called DASH KITTEN in honor and memory of our renowned founder.  As a senior cat here I most often write and speak of issues of cat health ... as a clever and wise wizard (seniors are, you know!) I would choose to wave my magic wand and no kitty would ever be ill or injured!  But my magical powers are sadly not that powerful.  So I do what I can ... and I am enchanting, and my human has some bewitching powers when it comes to our blog, so stop by ... 

Thanks Harvey Button for coming half-way-round-the-world for Meow-O-Ween at Boolatry!


  1. Hi there Harvey Button. That is such a nice wish that no cat would ever be ill or injured. Have a good day.

  2. What a wonderful Meow-O-Ween kitty. What a fum thing you're doing too.

    Have a purrfect Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  3. Wizard Harvey Button - what a wonderful look you have achieved!

  4. Harvey is the cutest wizard! I have a commentathon going on on our blog. I am donating 50p. for every comment to our local shelter.

  5. dood....how....total.....lee....kewl.....iz....thiz !!!!!!!!

    wavez two ewe in middle earth ;) ♥♥♥

  6. Ann, the reason that kitten's name is Loo is because she was the little one and the other cat was the bigger one, and her name is Boo. Can't help it if the people across the pond want to make fun of it.

  7. Harvey Button, you make a fine looking wizard. Lightning is wondering if you have any magic in your bag of wizardry to make his knew all better.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. Harvey Button makes a handsome wizard!
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. Harvey makes a great wizard ! Purrs

  10. Harvey is a most magical wizard! We love it!

  11. Harvey you are a pawesome wizard and we wish we could make all pets and people well.
