November 25, 2019

HELLO THERE ~ it's been awhile ...

Hey ~ Zoey ~ you can come out now, no more hiding away!

What? You mean your computer is working again!  After all these many, many days away in the repair-mans shop!  I kind of liked the quiet, you know ... not having to pose for you, not being bothered by your flashy-box in my face.  Now we're back to what you call normal.  I'd rather stay hidden here if you don't mind. I like it in here.  Go away.   

Hey ~ Dougie Dog ~ why the sad sad look on your face!

Well, unlike that silly cat, I liked being here and being able to visit some of my friends each day and I really liked it when they could stop here and visit me!  It was fun to read what they had to say.  And I know I missed a lot when the computer got broke and left home for awhile ... and we couldn't even answer email or do our photo-art.  

Well, Dougie Dog, Mr Laptop came home last night, so all's getting right with the world!

So you'll be all back to normal tomorrow?  Happy Tuesday?  Right ... I can be happy then, right?

It'll take a bit to get our heads back on and figure out where we were
and what we were doing and what we need to do ... but yeah ... 


  1. Welcome back. We sure missed you. You all have a great day.

  2. I hate it when things don't work right and you are without a computer. I'm glad all is well with the world and it's always great to see Dougie and Miss Zoey.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  3. Welcome back, we've sure been missing you!

  4. oooh compawter trouble is a thing made in hell... glad mr. laptop is back on top ;O)

  5. Oh no! Laptop withdrawals cold turkey - yikes! MOL! Glad you're back, we missed you and hope to see more than Zoey's tail in the future - and Dougie's sweet doggie smile.

  6. That's no reason to moon us.

  7. I'd have had to go up to the local library to use their computers!
    Glad you're back now, and I hope the repairs didn't cost a bundle.

  8. You were all dearly missed. Glad the 'puter is back up and running. Welcome back, friends.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Glad you got your computer back. (Ghostwriter dreads the day she'll need to get her's repaired or replaced.) Nice to see you, Dougie and Zoey!

  10. welcome back, I missed you. so glad the laptop is back online... Hi Dougie, Hi Zoey the hidden cat.. missed both of you also...

  11. I am glad Mr.Laptop is back and normal service will be resumed. We have all missed you.

  12. Welcome back! We've missed you.

  13. We are so glad you are back, especially in time for the howl-idays. Welcome!

  14. We are glad to see you back!
    Mabel & Hilda
