December 08, 2020



It's quite comfy to sit here in the blankie basket, they are all so soft and cozy.  But as I look up and around a question comes to mind.  

There used to be this lovely big dark green vase up there.  It was right behind the little green lamp.  It had the most wonderful things inside ... sort of like cornstalks and sprays of wheat and pussy willows and dark green leafy things.  They were tall and spread wide and all wrapped up in a pretty burlap sort of ribbon that hung down dangling off the table.  I know the Zoolatry Human really liked it and said she worked long and hard to design this arrangement and make it just the way she wanted it!  

You know, a young kitten like me should not be having a short term memory loss!  But I do have this question bouncing around ...

And it's not easy to hide away such a large thing. Yet, I do sort of remember one day lunching on the pussy willows which were not very tasty.  And the sprays of wheat rather tickled my nose when I tried crunching them ... but I did like scratching at that ribbon-y thing!  

It all made some really super funny noises when it tumbled into the blankie basket and it left lots of little shredded bits 'n' pieces that I heard her say Mr Dyson could only pick up on his "boost" mode.  Sigh.

But I still have a question.  Where is it?  I would like to visit it again ... I'd promise to be gentle and kind.  And it would make for a very Happy Tuesday!  And one more question please, why are they called "pussy" willows?

Did you know that tomorrow is Christmas Card Day?
I get to share mine with you, so please be sure to come see me! 

It's Happy Tuesday at


  1. Uh oh. Seems like you got into things kitties love to mess with but really should leave alone. You probably won't see that arrangement again, or at least not for a very long time.

  2. sometimes such things disappear... probably magic?

  3. Ha! Your human ought to be thankful you're not like angel Nicki, who would deliberately would get up onto tables in the wee hours of the morning and knock the breakables off. The biped had to clean up broken glass more than once before she just put got rid of anything that could shatter. So in your case, June, really, Derry doesn't know why you can't have that vase with its pussy willows out! ;-)

  4. Pussy Willows are "soft as our paws". But, yeah, some stuff disappears when we knock them over. They tend to get replaced with flatter or heavy stuff.

  5. Gee! Humans do tend to remove things that are pretty and pretty fun to play with when we show
    too much attention to them :/ Maybe you liked it too much.
    Purrs, Julie

  6. Things seem to disappear around here too, Juney. Especially right after we discover them.

  7. OOPS. We would think that what is left of the arrangement is safely put away and out of your reach, Juney.

  8. Sometimes the human has to kitty proof the house and things that are precious to humans have to be removed. You're just playing, but the aftermath is not pretty for your humans. Mom still loves you bunches because she knows how kitties roll.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  9. I'll bet you can find it, keep looking sweet June!

  10. Oh my goodness I wonder what happened to that green vase of p**** willows? And I think that the p**** willow is something to do with because it's cat tails. I'm sure

  11. What is this? I'll show you mine if you show me yours?

  12. Oops hit publish instead of delete it has something to do with Cattails and I think if you ask Google girl she will give you the answer. Maybe you should get your mom to ask it for you. You look adorable in the blanket basket and I do love that basket

  13. Our mom plays tricks on us sometimes, too, and moves things we like.

  14. Juney, let us know when you discover what happened!

  15. I'm sure it will turn up again sometime.

  16. June darlin' the short answer is: 'for your own good'!!
    If Angel Madi were here, she'd have lots questions similar to yours
    Why is the chair in the middle of the room, I used it for a launch pad to the mantel
    Why is the grandfather clock wrapped in a quilt with duct tape around it? I really enjoyed the taste of the finial.
    Why can't I jump on the lingerie chest at night? I really enjoyed the clanking of all 10 drawer handles in the middle of the night.
    MOL MOL Hugs Cecilia

  17. Hmmm, I'm thinking your Mom may wait for you to be a bit older to put that out again, it sounds like it was a pretty thing. You're the pretty thing for now though Juney.

  18. juney vase and con tentz haz gone two de magical land oh:

    "thingz onze saw til catz arrived " ....

    we think itza hidden eye land sum wear IN yur houz tho...
    knot like OUT side any wear..... coz mackerull said
    de eggz act same thing az ewe..

    if we can ever findz a map of TOSTCA we will send it yur way :) ♥♥

  19. We bet it might come back to visit you when you are a little older, June.

  20. Sorry June but things have a tendency to disappear from inquisitive and playful kittens. Maybe it will suddenly reappear when you are older.

  21. Oops...we think that's gone for good!!

    The Florida Furkids

  22. If they are called pussy willows then you should be able to play with them. Thank you to your mom for the beautiful badge she made for my Jinx. XO

  23. You're too cute, Juney! We have a dried flower arrangement Mudpie likes to nosh on sometimes too.

  24. Maybe it just got changed out for a different decoration, people do that sometimes (especially when kittens are around).

    The very first commercial Christmas cards went on sale December 9, 1843, that's why tomorrow is Christmas Card Day, and yes, i will try to come back and see yours.

  25. Juney, we have a feeling that pretty vase may reappear by the time you turn one or two:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  26. Juney, we think you won't be seeing that thing for a while. Unless it's somewhere else in the house where the Zoolatry human thinks you can't find it!

  27. Oh, that happens my furiend ~ peeps seem to THINKS when we are wee ones, we will break everythings and gets into stuffs. pffffft! I say! the nerves. wells, I am sure in a few years, you might see it MAGICALLY reappear....
    Ruby ♥

  28. June those fun things seem to sneak off somewhere never to be seen again. We think if you snoop hard enough in closets and such you may find it
