August 16, 2021


I was only looking for something interesting to read: like maybe a "book about cats"?  But her books are very boring, so nothing here for a rainy grey day I'm afraid.  On the bright side, I did find a very pretty (and real) feather from a hawk laying on one shelf!  A friend found it and gave it to her and she saved it ... sadly, it was rudely grabbed out of my mouth the minute she saw me with it. Oh, how I would have enjoyed a nibble on that.  And then I discovered a tiny little greenery thing in one corner ... not to be, as it too was taken away!  Then, when I reached new heights and went after Lambsie-Pambsie up there on the top shelf, well ... you've heard of book banning, I've been banned from the book shelf, like forever. 




  1. maybe you can read that feather? some can tell stories ;O)

  2. Awww,you don't need books. It's best to keep looking for something else that would be fun to play with for yourself.

  3. Oh a hawk feather would be fun to play long as it's not attached to the hawk. ;)

  4. You look like you were having fun exploring the book case, June. Too bad your mom took all the fun stuff away from you.

  5. You're quite the climber!!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. Look at you up there checking stuffs out, Juney. Bummer that you didn't get to keep the feather.

  7. Most kitties get banned from the book shelves. That's were moms put there precious pieces of things that are dear to them. It's just the way of things, June.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  8. There are some things the humans keep on shelves that are very valuable to them … like that squeaky toy that looks like our Patron Saint, Old Charisma that sits atop the little box of Charisma's ashes on the top shelf.

  9. Junie, Da Boyz climb our book shelves all of the time, and sometimes kick books off!
    However, these are special books, made for cats to beat them up.
    The books that need to stay unmolested are carefully placed where no cats can go...*wink*

  10. Oops, sounds like someone got into a little trouble today - MOL! Best of luck to your Mom in keeping you off that shelf in the future.

  11. Oh my goodness June, you are quite the climber....we are sorry about the bookshelf banning!
    Rosy and the Gang

  12. Sheesh, a kitty can't any fun, can she?

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. I think I could have a lot of fun if I came to live with the "Woos" ...

  13. It looks like you were having a good adventure until you were stopped!

  14. Dang sweet June, it's no fun when your fun disappears!

  15. Sorry you couldn't find a good book. :) XO

  16. Why do they always put the best stuff on the top shelf?

  17. Hee! Hee! We are banned from Alex's lego shelves. Some cat (Me), knocked ALL of his lego cars and other special models on the floor and it took him several months to put them back together!

  18. Oops, sorry your bookshelf exploration ended so quickly, June, it looks like you were really fascinated! I think I see a book I've read there, Alabama Moon by Watt Key. It's been awhile but I remember that I enjoyed it.

  19. Maybe if you ask nicely, she will read to you. Much better that way.

  20. Time for glass doors to close off the fun climbing equipment!
    June, you sure are agile!

    Years ago Groucho our first kitty would jump upon the tall bookshelf just to be high...and he once knocked off the boom-box that we had up there to keep little toddler fingers away from it, and he knocked it right down. It almost hit son number one who was sitting nearby in his highchair...Yikes!

  21. Don't put any part of a bird in your mouth.

  22. you are like a 2 year old toddler, climbing up things only cuter and with a fur coat. this is scary looking. you could really do a rock climbing party, like the kids have now

  23. Oh Juney...Moms can be such party poopers. Umm inquiring minds wonder Mom's plan to ban you from the shelves?
    Hugs Cecilia

  24. Dear friend
    I thank sincerely you for visiting my Blog, I so appreciate your words!
    ILet me say that I love your family of fur babies, they're such a treasure to us!
    Enjoy the remainder of your week
    Xx Daniela at ~ My little old world ~
    P.S. Since today I'm a new follower of yours... how about to follow me in return?

  25. Nod a single kitty book?! My goobness, we hab a whole shelf just of cocker spaniel books, and other doggie books all ovfur. What de heck does your mommy read?? I'm sorry you couldn't play wif de hawk feather. I got a crow feather outside today, and my mommy took dat away, too. 😠

  26. I furgot to say, becuz I read ahead-- I hope your mommy came home peaceful from de dentist-place. ::licks:: 🐶

  27. June you are an excellent shelf climber. What skills. You will find something else just bide your time

  28. What use is a fevver if ya can't sniff ans chew on it?

    Best wishes ta yer Mom about the dental stuff...

  29. We are sorry you got banned from the book shelf, we did too, but we simply ignore Mom. Our Mom is not pleased but we are rude kitties and don't care.

    Hope the Zoolatry Human doesn't forget to feed you and that she is all better after her dental appointment.

  30. Rudeness and ignoring could be my middle names, but I am still at kitten, so much to learn (or not!). She did 'member to feed me, but right now it's turn-about as she is being RUDE and IGNORING me!!!
