August 01, 2021


To me, freedom, entitles you to do something,
not to not do something.

Shel Silverstein, American Writer, Poet
1933 ~ 1999

We are putting our masks on once again and exercising common sense and caution in crowded places.  Why not?  It's been a long journey, yet we are not at the end, so let's continue our travels on the "high road". Thinking of and giving consideration for all in our communities,  today and everyday, as the covid crisis not only continues, but rises again.

Shel Silverstein has been a huge favorite ever since discovering his poems and stories for my children many years ago.  "The Giving Tree" will always hold its place as an all time special book.  His poems, largely written for the young ~ also resonate with grown-ups (and the young at heart) who can easily find meaning tucked into these delightful verses.



  1. That poem echoes Mummy's thoughts exactly!

  2. Hello again beautiful June! I like the poem. Here in Florida us being the number one state I'm starting to shred a little and we are doing just what you said what we did for all of last year we're doing again now

  3. Wow, you have a purrsonalized mask!!!! Purrty nice.

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Mummy and daddy still use their masks in indoor places or crowded places and mummy wears hers all the time she's working too,xx Titch

  5. Our mom never stopped wearing her mask in public. It's such a minor thing we can all do to help keep us safe.

  6. Love your poem and my mask is firmly in place anytime I leave the house. Your August header is beautiful, Juney!

  7. We have not stopped wearing our masks even though we got vaccinated in March. XO

  8. I have been masking up at my work...its requit=red, but recently, I too have been using my other masks when I go shopping, etc.

    'It ain't over till its over...'

  9. May being "thinkforyourselfees" lead us to acting with respect, kindness, and consideration for all. (To me, that means i

  10. Oops! My first comment cut off in the middle! Meant to add, to me that means i mask up in order to protect the most vulnerable in the community, for their safety, not just mine.

  11. Junie, we love your mask. We are fully vaxxed, but always wear our masks when we go into stores, are in crowds, etc.

  12. You are very cute with your mask sweet June!

  13. Dad has kept his on even though it looks like most in our area stopped. We like thinking for ourselves too. Purrs friends

  14. My Mom has always loved the poems of that Mr. Silverstein, too! She says her fav poetry book he penned was "Wear the Sidewalk Ends." Hmm . . . it makes me wonder if he ever wrote one about cats. Do you know?

  15. You look lovely June and good for you. The anti-vaxxer foolish people are putting so many at risk. Shame on them!

    Have a lovely week you two!

  16. Thinking for yourself is the only way to go! We all need to just use common sense.

  17. June, you are such a beautiful kitty! And I agree, Covid isn't over, we need the vaccines and the masks for the protection of everyone. Locally our Covid case counts are going up and our local hospitals are filling up again with Covid patients.
