September 16, 2021


~ HANK ~

Along the river bank, 
waits a boy we will call Hank.

Patient, intent, quiet, alone.
Wanting, needing fish for the evening supper at home.

A rod he holds in his steady hands, he gazes on waters still,
for one swimming by, one prompted just by the power of his will.

One tempted by his tasty bait,
one so hungry it will not swim on, it will not wait.

One not to throw back, into a river glistening bright,
but to feed, to nourish his big family this night.

For it was his duty to help, he must do his part.
Toting home an empty bucket would break his heart.

The trail to home was not long, through a sun dappled wood.
Soon the cabin he'd see and he felt so danged-good.

His bucket splashed water, shoulders ached, yet were straight up with pride,
as happy eyes beamed at the large fish inside.

His Mom and his Dad,
brothers, sisters, some big, others small.
Grandma and Grandpy
all anxiously waiting for his call.

"Fish for supper, got me a big 'un, fire up the coals",

yelled the boy we called Hank,

"all's good, all's right,
hands together now in prayer,
all have supper tonight."

So many grow, fish, hunt for their own food ~ they are to be commended.  And so many grow, fish and hunt for our food and for them we should be thankful.  And for our food we should not be wasteful.  In the USA we are blessed with a bounty of food often not so around the world ~ and yet in every town in every state, our own neighbors go hungry and children go to bed every night with tummies empty and aching.  So it incumbent upon each of us with a full cupboard to share all we can, to support food banks, charities and those groups that provide meals to others in need.  Thank you to Angel Sammy and Teddy from TWO SPOILED CATS for todays photo which prompted us to give thought to the food challenges so many face today.


  1. oh how good that hank came home with a fish and not only with a wish ;O)

  2. We here (cats and I) are thankful for those who grow and manage our food. It takes many people and animals to keep us going. Many people do not understand where our food comes from. We should all be more aware of that.

  3. I saw none of this when I saw the photo and in fact thought it was a grandchild fishing for fun.. but after reading your poem, I see every word and all of them are true. standing ovation for this one... and agree 100 percent. thanks for the push in the right direction

  4. What a lovely message you share with your thoughtful poem.

  5. Ann I agree with MadSnapper...your mind's eye really capture what the picture said!
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. That's a fabulous poem and wonderful sharing thoughts too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. More likely that he wants to catch a mermaid

  8. What a lovely poem. Good message today too - I've never gone hungry in my life and it is just unacceptable that some people do go hungry and often when we have such bounty. Thanks.

  9. What a super poem for today's poetry challenge.....we must remember that while some fish for FUN, others fish for food. Bringing home fresh fish to feed the family was "Hank's" aim when he sat on the rock with his fishing rod.....We are lucky to have an abundance of food while other places in the world are not so lucky. Thanks for playing poetry with us!

    Hugs, Pam

  10. Good poem and a good message about food, too.

  11. Great poem. If I had to hunt I would starve. XO
