March 14, 2022

AWWW (What's Up?) MONDAY

I heard this lady talking, well shouting actually and it was not mine Mommy.  She said "emergency, emergency, leave the building, use the stairs, do not use the elevators".  I looked to the left and I looked to the right but I wasn't sure where the lady was.  Something was wrong with the lady 'cause she kept saying this over and over.

So I stayed, hiding under the chair, while she kept screaming the same thing, over and over.  I even looked up!  Wait, I think the lady was up in our ceiling, hiding in the little box up there, yes, she was!  How could she and her shouting and screaming voice fit in there, it scared me.  Did mine Mommy come and comfort me, NO!  She just kept taking pictures ... awww.  

Fire Alarm Testing should not be allowed, just my opinion.


  1. we agree with you... totally... and we hope it will always just a test and never ever for real...

  2. How irritating, but fire alarms are necessary because some day there could be an emergency. We always hope not, but in an instant, things can change.

  3. I was so alarmed I was on edge thinking the two of you were not leaving the building, then I felt so relieved that this was a test. at least we know you did not get scared and run away and if it were real Mom could grab you and RUN down the stairs, that is a LOT of stairs. maybe you should do a few practice RUNS

  4. We have the same lady in our home. The testing is okay, but I don't want to do it for real.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  5. That lady can be scary ~ glad you are safe ~ your photos are precious ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Fires in buildings should not be allowed.

  7. Sorry for the upset little June, but that lady could be very important one day.

  8. We're glad it was only a drill and not a real emergency. Your mom wouldn't be taking pictures if something bad was happening.

  9. You had quite the exciting Monday, didn't you, Juney!

  10. June I 100% agree. When I was still working one of the main alarms in my office building was ABOVE my door.
    You look very lovely dear one
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Believe us, Junie, if it hadn't been testing your Mommy would have been flying around like a whirlwind scooping you into your carrier and getting down the stairs faster than you thought she could move !

  12. juney chowder....even tho itz like a noize frum ...soundz like "swell"....itza good thing
    in de long uz ♥♥

  13. That must have been very scary. XO

  14. Great investigative work! Fire alarms are such a pain. I hope that you get to come out from under the chair soon. My kitties would be hiding under a chair too.

  15. As annoying and scary as the testing is, my friend, be glad they do it. You'd rather they test and know it works, than wait until an actual emergency to find out it doesn't...

  16. Oh that is some horrible ordeal, yes, it shouldn't be allowed, yikes!

  17. We all agree here!!
    Rosy, Jakey and Sunny

  18. I hope June doesn't get PTSD (Pet Traumatic Situational Disorder).

  19. I know they are essential in the case of a fire but the rest of the time they are a freaking nuisance

  20. We agree with you Junie, Mom seems to test our fire alarm a lot when she is cooking but it doesn't talk it just gives an annoying beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

  21. June you look on the alert that's for sure....Some lady yelling from a little box - sounds suspicious to me. If your Mom thought you were in danger you better believe it would be HER telling you not some "box lady" !!

    Hugs, Teddy

  22. Those alarms are very scary indeed. Hope you never have to hear that for real, June and your Mommy!
