March 12, 2022


So, mine Mommy has been researching new tires for her old car the last few days and 'bout the same time she was thinking about my "caturday art" picture.  Normally (and normal peoples) might not connect those two things, but she is not always so normal in her head.  

And the result is this: 
FIRST, the original photo, me in my rounder. 
Does it look like a tire to you? Not!  
SECOND, her Caturday Art. 
Well, that might be fun, specially for a usually indoor kitty! 
THIRD, believing the written word can be art,
 my contribution for todays artistic endeavor. 

Oh, how I'd love to go up in a swing.
Up to the skies of bright blue.
Into polka dot clouds where birdies fly by.
What a wonderful thing to do.
Up on gentle breezes,
over the buildings tall and wide.
I'd look down on my city streets
see people walking, with dogs by their side.
Don't worry for me, though,
a seat-safety belt I will wear.
When I soon go swinging high
up in the fresh springtime air!
Composed by June the Cat

With my thanks and humble apawlogies to Robert Louis Stevenson as I hope he will furgive me for paraphrasing his lovely poem, "The Swing" to make it fit for a "cat and her environment".



  1. That is lovely art and a great interpretation of the poem.

  2. I LOVE THIS!!! truly I DO! the photo and the poem. swing High sweet June...

  3. Did you know that they are 'tyres' in the UK?!?
    Weird, huh?
    When we purchased Cat Car II, I insisted on the bestest tires for it, because it's my car, and at the time I was commuting every day to work, and having good tires are too important to go cheap.

  4. We do like how your mommy connected those things, Juney, and your poem sure is fun!

  5. Very creative. Nice poem and art. XO

  6. Love your poem, Juney, and mom says that when she was a little girl, she could have spent the entire day swinging away and singing. It's so much fun!

  7. Gee! A tire swing looks like it would be fun June!!!!
    Hope your mum finds the tire for the car.
    Purrs, Julie

  8. We love your poem and your pictures, June. It sure would be fun to play on a swing.

  9. This DID make me laugh!! Thank you!!!

  10. It sure does look like a tire ~ sweet photo and I adore the swing and words ~ Your Mommy is so creative! Xo

    Wishing you lots of love and laughter in your days ~

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. What a lovely artistic endeavor! You phrased the poem beautifully.

  12. I can picture how happy you would be on a tire swing gently rocking the day away.

  13. What a great post and the art is fab. Those polka dot clouds would be fun.

  14. A lovely picture, Junie - and a fantastic poem too.

  15. That isn't anything new, people say my peep has a spare tire also.

  16. Good poem and I love your pictures, June!
