July 07, 2022


Going, going, gone!  Any minute now.  Just a nudge of the nose.  A push from the paw.  Even a wiggle of my whiskers and my little green ball will be gone.  
Well, not really gone, but I'll have to get un-lazy, get under the table and find it.  Speaking of getting "lazy", starting tomorrow, mine Mommy is going to be very lazy and take some time away from Zoolatry.  
Oh, she says she'll still be here but just out of sight, behind the scenes, getting stuff done that needs to get done.  Going, going, GONE!
But she said I don't have to be GONE!  I am thankful, meow!  
She put together lots of old-pictures to post, so I still get to be here, no going for me.

Now I'm going to Brian's Home
for the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. June, I am sure whatever your mommy is doing he'll be right there to help her along. Sometimes we just have to stop with fun things and get down to the business of doing work things. Hard for the kitty cats to understand, but that's how we humans operate. We'll be looking for you later and you have a good July.

  2. you need someone who brings that toy back when it's gone... I can give you da Nelly... he is good in that LOL

  3. Nelson has that problem a lot when he is playing or chewing on something from the chair. He is still working on his coordination.

  4. Your Mom is a very busy lady and we all appreciate what she does.

  5. Enjoy the break; we're here when you are.

  6. We're glad she won't be very far away from you sweet June. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. I can imaging how busy your mum is June, but she will always have time for you :)
    Purrs, Julie

  8. Tell your mom not to work to hard.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday, June. ♥

  9. I am glad you will still be here, June. I see even your ball has polka dots!

  10. June slow and easy you are teasing your ball
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. that is a great polka dot ball and you are so good at playing and entertaining yourself. tell your mama the tree is almost down

  12. Is that a squeaky ball? Chester wanted to know. Hope your mom as a good time off.

  13. What a precious photo June! Your Mom will be there for you through thick and thin girl!

  14. Taking it slower in July is a good thing. Enjoy your break.

  15. We bet you have fun chasing after that ball when it falls off your perch. It's okay for your mommy to take a break once in a while.

  16. Hopefully you won't have to go very far to retrieve your little green ball, June. I'm sure your mom will get alot done, and meanwhile we can still enjoy your pictures!

  17. That is a cool polka-dotted toy. :) XO

  18. Well, that's a relief June! I think I would suffer from June withdrawal if you suddenly disappeared. Hope your Mom hangs tough on clearing her stuff.

  19. Deer Miss Ann take all THE time you need....wee wll vissit an wait fore yore reetern! An June wee will enjoy yore retro fotoss!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  20. If your Mom gets stuck and need some help or another pair of eyes doing the "behind the scenes" stuff, have her contact my Mom. Does this mean you won't make it to my Birthday on July 26!?! Oh please say you will stop by! I so want to see your smiling face! Purrs and Whisker Kisses your Marv

  21. Work never seems to end, and sometimes it collects to such a big pile that the peeps have to take time to deal with it before it becomes an avalanche!

    We'll look forward to seeing your posts, June...and tell your Mom to take a coffee or tea break once in a while, so she can be with you for a cuddle or two or three:)

  22. Fetch it or not, either way it looks like you've got a nice cozy spot, June. Thank you, Ann and June, for doing what you do and for your kindness during this very sad time for us.

  23. I'm certain you are thankful for that green ball.
