August 05, 2022


There are a lot of different ways that I can tell mine Mommy loves me.
This is just one of them.  I call it laundry love.
Sometimes when she does the laundry, she folds it while she is still in the laundry room,
brings it upstairs, and puts it away where it belongs.

But sometimes she doesn't fold it at all!  She just brings it upstairs in her little cart. 
It's all unfolded, and messy and very, very warm.
Then she throws it in a big pile on the day bed. 
Why?  Because she knows I love a fresh warm pile of laundry and so she's showing me 
that she loves me a whole lot and that pile is just for me! 
That's what she did yesterday.
And that is laundry love.  

My very warm laundry love pile.

Thank you, Mommy.

Sorry, I have to go back to my nap now.


  1. wow the best bed on top of mount laundry ;O)

  2. Your mommy is so good to you, Juney, and that warm laundry fresh out of the dryer feels so nice.

  3. June, your mom loves you LOTS! The biped leaves her clean laundry in the hamper until she folds it, so there never were many times that any of the kitties who lived here got a warm laundry pile. How deprived they all were/are!

  4. Now that's what we call Laundry love. Sure beats the pioneers having to use hard rocks and hang them on a bush to dry. This is much more pleasant and pretty to look at.

  5. You have an awesome mom, June!

  6. Laundry is the BEST! Especially when it just came from the dryer.

  7. June, your mum does indeed love you!
    Nice warm laundry...mmmmmmmmmmm!
    Purrs, Julie

  8. Fresh laundry is the purrfect napping spot!

  9. I like laundry love myself, when I carry the warm laundry in from the garage I hold it tight and smell and feel it before I lay it down to start the folding. Beau says he has never felt warm laundry, neither have any of our other dogs.

  10. Love this. :-) My kittens' version of laundry love is the basket itself, whether it has clothes in it or not. Have a great day!

  11. Laundry love is the very best love of all. What a wonderful thing you mom does for you.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  12. Your mommy is so good to you, June. We hope you didn't get any clothes too wrinkled though. BOL!

  13. June love is for 100% certainty a load of warm laundry...waiting to be adorned by your beautiful self
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. Yes, June...she loves you very, very much!

  15. What a wonderful way to show just how muched you are loved, Junie!

  16. That was sweet of your mom to do. XO

  17. Beachcat with sunglases, I just love it

  18. Ah, there's nothing like warm laundry to bring on feeling of cozy!

  19. Aww, June, you have the best kitty mom ever. Misty likes to lie on the dirty laundry:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  20. Yes, your Mommy loves you lots, and she is such a thoughtful person to bring you fresh laundry while it's still warm. That's quite the yawn there, complete with tongue hanging out for our viewing pkeasure.

  21. You are sure loved sweetest June and you have sure enjoying your laundry duties!

  22. It is hard to beat warm laundry for comfort. We don't unnerstand why the Beins dont just put those on as soon as the clothes come out of the dryer!

  23. So there ISS such a thing as "Laundry Love" June girl??? Mee thott so!
    Wee do not due that inn July or August an even Seppytembur can bee too *HIT* fore Laundry Love...once Autumm arrivess; then mee can inndulge inn warm comfy unfolded laundry! ;)
    You look speck-taculur bye THE way!
    **nose kissess** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Sistur

  24. Wow. There's nothing like warm laundry. In fact, sometimes it's nice to put a blanket in the dryer just to get it warm and then snuggle in it.
