August 25, 2022


I'm a "working girl", though I don't sing the song "9 to 5"!  And I'm mostly thankful for my job, though sometimes I think I need to join a union as my pay is abysmally low. However, that it offset by the fact that I work from home, and I do enjoy my job, which is only part time. My primary responsibility is to observe the activity on Charles Street at dawn and dusk daily (I do it well) and report to mine Mommy anything of interest.  It's a fun job, though many days rather boring, capital B.  

Except there was one evening recently ~ first, I usually check the helipad at Mercy Hospital, no landings tonight.  And all the other rooftops are quiet, even the one where a handsome big, black Mr. Dog is often sunning himself on a deck, I guess he's gone indoors for his supper.  Bye, woofer!  Besides, it is raining (without thunder, thankfully) and Mr. Dog wouldn't want to get all messy-wet I suppose.  Anyway, I hear the sounds of the fire engines, which is not unusual, but ohmycat, as I look down ~ they stop, right there on Charles, and now I see smoke. I hear the police cars too, a different kind of siren sound.  And I watch and watch and listen and listen.  And I meow-report to mine Mommy so she can come take a picture for me, as good reporters need to have photos to go with their breaking news!


So policemen are doing their best to get rush hour traffic around the fire truck and out of the way and Charles Street is very narrow, mind you, and the cars get to park on each side, so then, this great big tour bus comes along and he pays no attention at all to the fire truck or the policemen or anything and decides he must turn onto our street, stupid Mr. Driver ~ see!  He hits the fire truck! I am so excited, this is not boring with a capital B.  This is capital A exciting.  

One hour later.  Smoke still pouring out of the building.  Barricades now set up.  More policemen have arrived.  It starts to rain harder and harder.  And now there is lightning.  With lightning comes thunder.  With thunder, I hide.  The show is over, for me.  When I did my job at dawn the next morning, it all looked normal and quiet and boring again, as if nothing had ever happened.  I wonder where that big bus went?

I am thankful no peoples were hurt, 
but I should get a pay raise, or at least a bonus for this report.


  1. wow you are the best reporter for happenings in your hood! ..and we are glad too that no people were hurt during this accident... you should get da purr-litzer prize for that report....

  2. June, of course you had to be on live TV so no wonder you woke up your personal camera mom. It doesn't sound like that was a very good event happening on that street below your window. It's a good thing it was not your building that you had to worry about.

  3. you are so right, this story IS worht a bonus. tell your mama I said to give you a little extra treat or a little more of your food. this is hard work. wow what a dumb person driving that bus.. they could not SEE the Firetruck? wow

  4. Excellent reporting June!!
    How could the bus not see a firetruck? Guess he thought he was smaller than he was ;)
    Glad no people were hurt. Hope you got extra treats for reporting on breaking news!
    Purrs, Julie

  5. You deserve a raise for all the work you do, June.

  6. Wow - you are one topNotch reporter, Juney! Thank goodness no one was hurt!

  7. Good gracious, June!
    Inquiring minds want to know: what was on fire? Why did that bus ram the firetruck? Why didn't Mr. Dog run out to try to save any humans?

  8. Wow! How did he hit the firetruck? They aren't exactly small!!

  9. Great job, June. You really kept my attention by describing everything you saw. I just missed out when the thunder came. At least it went away -- just like the fire people and the trucks. It was a regular disappearing act! Amazing.

  10. That is an excellent breaking news report, June. You sure have great window to observe the world around you from.

  11. Wow, you're better than our news reporters, June! You definitely deserve a raise, or at least a bonus in treats. We're glad no one was hurt; we bet that bus driver is NOT at his job anymore, at least for the time being!

  12. We agree, you need a pay bump of at least 4 more treats a day!!
    We are also glad no one was hurt.

  13. I am glad that no one was hurt...but that bus river needs a job review, or to get fired...sheesh. A firetruck at work and he hits it??

    You sure had an exciting evening shift Miss June. I hope my evening shift will be boring, since when and where I work, one does NOT want exciting, LOL!!

    Make sure your Bonus is forthcoming!

  14. Good surveillance June! Glad no one was hurt! No one should do anything that might interfere with a firetruck, ever!

  15. Awesome reporting June! What an exciting day for you, thanks for sharing that story - Pulitzer on the way!

  16. Wow! That was some good reporting. Your diligent doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel has high praises for you!

  17. Wow June what an amazing guardian you are! Purr-haps that's why you are one of our Featured Friends at Friendship Friday this week! Your post brings back such memories. Did you know that I went to both HS and college on Charles St? Have a wonderful week!

  18. That was very good reporting, June. I am glad no-one was hurt though.

  19. That was quite the report sweet June and we agree, you do need a raise fur sure! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  20. You sure have a lot to keep an eye on. :) XO

  21. Wow, that was exciting! Thank goodness no one was hurt. I'm glad the thunderstorm is all over, too, so you can watch over the neighborhood. Have a calm weekend!

  22. That sounds like the most exciting day ever in history

  23. That was an excellent job. If you like tuna, you deserve a whole can!

  24. Susan from Bucks CountyThursday, August 25, 2022

    Great job June. You deserve a raise!

  25. You are a great reporter. I think you deserve extra pay and a raise!
