September 01, 2022

THANKFUL THURSDAY ~ from the Sunshine State

ARTEMIS may not have launched, but it was still a glorious morning along the Indian River, sharing the excitement with an enthusiastic gathering of 'rocket-heads' from near and far.  Sunrise over the Atlantic just beyond was spectacular and anticipation was thick in the air with each passing moment as everyone shared what they knew, cell phone information, emailing photos back and forth, laughing, telling their own stories.  For all on this day it was not to be.  For me though, memories of dozens of launches over twenty-plus years of living there remain vivid and as I have also been witness to a loss, a hold and a scrub is always far, far better than the latter.  

It will happen, just on another day, with another crowd of 'rocket-heads' who will hold their collective breath and feel the earth move beneath their feet.  

Yet I am so very thankful, as this quick flight and visit to central Florida offered something else very special ~ I had not seen my son, daughter in law, and two grandchildren ~ since pre-pandemic days.  So the time spent with them, well I really have no words except to say it did my heart good, very good.  Thankful, yes.

And I am very thankful to my dear friend, Dee, who had the idea for us to just up and go do this ~ and made it happen!  Thank you wrapped up in love.

With my son ~ with my grands (photobombed by Fiona).

Dee and I console Fiona who did not win the family Scrabble game, 
while Chewy sulks over his poor score ~ and the winner [tall boy in yellow t-shirt] still stands
smiling proudly in the background.  

PS See sidebar for September Events & Badges Link!


  1. so happy your visit went well in spite of the scrub. your family is beautiful and what a great friend you have to push you into the visit and plan it all.. I can tell how happy all of you are and were. are you home yet?

  2. I bet you saw plenty of growth spurt in your 2 grands after nearly 3 years or so. Wonderful
    visit for family, and you can thank NASA for seeing family if not rockets red glare! I'm sure
    June will be glad it is September since you are safely home and she is holding you down.

  3. So good you got to spend time with family. It would have been awesome to see the liftoff in person!
    I look forward to the next attempt even though I do so from my computer ;)

  4. A fun visit. Next time we will meet up!!

  5. That looks like a wonderful visit, I'm glad you did it even though the rocket was delayed. Beautiful family and pups!

  6. We can see how happy you are visiting with your family. Sorry the rocket didn't go up but it was a good excuse for the visit.

  7. Too bad the launch didn't go as expected. But it was great that you got to see your family!

  8. We are sorry about the launch...,but love all the lovely memories you're making!!!!

  9. Everybody looks so happy. Family is the best!

  10. Ann, you really should write a book. Your writing carries the reader along effortlessly. I love that last picture with the two pups. They fit in with the scenario quite well and make it as humorous as you describe. Is the lady at the end of the table your daughter-in-law (is it Giovanna?) or is it Dee?

    1. That is my dear friend, Dee ~ Giovanna is hidden behind me, and not (sadly) in other photos as she was taking pictures, but she is beautiful, dear and special!

  11. Big fluffy white doggos!
    June would be intimidated, for sure.

  12. Glad you enjoyed your visit, it looks like a great time! And I certainly agree that being careful with the launch is the best practice.

  13. Wonderful photos. You have a beautiful family. XO

  14. What a great happy event ! Seeing those two large snowflakes in Florida is a treat too !

  15. What a wonderful time you had. Glad the weather cooperated even if the launch didn't. Maybe next time!

  16. Even if the rocket didn't launch at least your heart soared to new levels with the family visit! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  17. It certainly seems like your happiness was like a rocket ship to the moon.

  18. It's always better safe than sorry, and i do hope they get it up this next try.

    What a lovely time with your family, even without the launch i am so happy for you that you had this visit.

  19. Happy times indeed!! How wonderful to get to see your family for real, after such a long hiatus.
    Sorry about the scrub, but better than seeing it fail. You'll be there in spirit, seeing it on a screen when it does lift off.

    Glad you have safely returned and I bet June was all over you with her greetings and scoldings, LOL!

  20. It was wonderful that you could meet up with your family again after such a long time.

  21. Oh, I'm so happy for you to see them finally! I remember our reunion after the lockdown, after 2 years. It was the best day of my life! Too short, of course.
