January 07, 2023


JUNE here ~ and this is my ofurrcial beginning of January!  Yes, I'm late, but allow me to explain.  Mine Mommy has been C-obsessed all week long, and believe me that is not cat-obsessed.  Oh, she always has lots of pictures-and-posts in her "june ready" folder, but as for doing new stuff, or going here and there to let me visit my friends, see what they're up to ~ well, not so much.

The C-obsessive thing has been C-Congress or C-Span.  Take your pick, both work. On Tuesday morning her computer (there's another "C") went to C-Span and it got stuck there until late last night.  She is such a pawlitical animal, the world stops spinning I think when those elephants-and-donkeys (ha, ha) start to have at it and ~ well, she said, "the donkeys behaved well, but the elephants sure got their trunks all twisted and snotty".  But enough of her nonsense ... it is my blog!

I'm introducing you today to my wonderful new friend, play pal, alter ego, she who wears the polka dot dress (I refuse to wear clothes!) and she who has purromised never to steal my foodz or treats ... meet JUNETOO.  I love her ...

Sorry, but mine Mommy has just poured another cup of coffee, so I am going to have to wait until tomorrow to begin to share the Story of JuneToo with you.  It's a wonderful story and I hope you'll come back to visit.  Oh, by the way, she promises to come down from her shelf (next to Lambsie Pamsie) so you can get to know her better!  


  1. Can't wait fur the intro to Junetoo! Fur-get the elephants and donkeys. They should let cats run the world.

  2. yay for a second JUNE... don't worry, there is no chance she will replace you, but she will be a fun additions to you... my goal word for 2023 is FUN... this post fits that goal. so do you JuneOne

  3. We can't wait to learn more about Junetoo. It looks like someone put a lot of clever needle work into making her.

  4. JuneToo is just adorable and we can't wait to hear her story, Juney. My mom ends up yelling at the TV when she turns on political stuffs so she tries to avoid it.

  5. We'll look forward to learning more about June too, JuneOne!

  6. Dad has been following that political stuff too. I usually just roll my eyes and hope everybody would just work together and solve problems. Angel Chester used to be head of the Squeaky Party and had simple, practical answers for all that politics mess!

  7. Mee-yow there iss a Junetoo? Shee iss furry cute....not as cute as you tho' June. Wee can hardlee wait to reed her story. An you has a Lamsie Pamsie?? Mee has a Lammy Chop stuffie mee sleepss with..
    Wee sure are alike!!!
    **nose rubss** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  8. June I do so look forward to hearing all about JuneToo
    I have an alter ego too her name is Drucilla she only shows herself when folks are rude or someone is being a bully.
    Hugs to you and Mommy

  9. Good idea to have a stand-in for wearing clothes, etc. XO

  10. January 2 is Happy Mew Year for Cats Day, as cats, being above us mere humans, cannot share and must have their own special day to celebrate.

    You may celebrate it any day you wish, if the 2nd doesn't work for you.

    If i watched C-Span i'd probably have apoplexy, so i just read the paper, it's bad enough.

    I will tune back in for the JuneToo story!

  11. We love your header of you and JuneToo, Juney. We are looking forward to hearing your story! XO

  12. JuneToo is very cute, but not as cute as June!!! We are excited to hear the story of your new friend.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. My parents kept my up until 1:30 AM watching the Washington drama. It was like the OJ trial and 1-6-2020. While it was very discouraging.but also hopeful

  14. OMC! JuneToo is a wonderful little Kitty! Of course you are the cutest, (real) June!
    Happy New Year to both you and your Mom...and to JuneToo, as well as LambsiePamsie!
