March 01, 2023



I have really missed all of you.  Mine Mommy has been mostly boring for the last few hundred weeks, and I know now that I do not like blog breaks.  I discussed this with her at length, but she paid no attention to me or my opinions, pfftt.  However, she did take lots of pictures of me, and I do like to pose for the camera as it usually means a treat or two, so that was okay.  

The other major issue with this break was her decision to rearrange the entire studio and that meant upending my life and my stuff.  
Side note: I have to tell you though that she paid the price for this folly with a three day backache, with both of her bottom paws swollen, a majorly headache, some bumps and bruises and even a few bloody cuts not caused by me.  Now why she smiled and seemed satisfied in that condition and after all that exhausting effort, I will never understand.  Humans are odd aren't they.

But back to the "upending" thing.  On that day of destruction, begun at dawns first light, every little thing that could fit in a closet or the litter loo room was moved there, including anything that belonged to me.  Other things found their way into the front hallway: my rounder, my window perch, OMC my blankie basket.  Confusion reigned supreme.  Where would I sit?  Nap?  Rest my little head?  Scratch those purrsonal parts should they itch?  Could I even get to my litter loo?  T'was a long and winding road to get there ~  And, and: ten minutes later, it would all be different.  My polka dot chair was here.  Then it was over there.  Then without warning it was in front of the refrigerator!  I needed an escape route.  Yes, from dawns first light through lunch time (which she forgot to feed me) until the 6 o'clock church bells rang it was non stop madness.  A crazed woman.  I could not even count the number of time Mr Dyson did his thing.  For each time something moved she had to have him visit where-the-thing-used-to-be and the spot-where-it-was-going-to-be.  Twice.  Thrice.  
Bonus: many of my lost toys were found under everything, how cool was that?

Dusk, Mr Dyson did his last run around. The duster got another go round and out of the closets came whatever had been put in there years ago.  My perch and my rounder restored.  My toy box, scratcher boxes, blankie basket and other sundry things were ~ where?  I had to search for them.  My polka dot chair?  Oh, there it is. I feel as if I'm suddenly living across the pond and have to drive on the wrong side* of the road.   * sorry friends, I know it's the right and proper side for you

JUNE! The ladycat doth protest too much. It's my turn now, everything is very nice here, refreshing, a new look for spring and spring cleaning done, too!  Pfftt, your pain and suffering was very brief.  And your food bowls and food drawer are in the same place.  Anyway, it's the first of March, I need a moment to remind our friends to stop over at The Cat Blogosphere today.  See all the events coming up this month and grab the badges you want, lots of fun stuff along with the regular weekly Blog Hops.  Just a summary below ~ 




  1. I can feel the pain because just reading about all the work that you did moving all that furniture is has my bones aching already and my back hurting again too glad you survived and that you have a fresh new look to your studio and that June has everything back where it belongs! Thanks for the reminder I need to look at those badges because I had totally forgotten I may or may not join in my mojo is not real good right now

  2. Nice to see you back, June! Spring cleaning is such a big upheaval.

  3. Good to see you back. I guess with everything rearranged, it keeps you busy figuring out all the best places once again.

  4. My mom LOVES to rearrange furniture too, Juney. She says it's the only way to REALLY clean everything! Thankfully, she has tried to rearrange in her head and she comes to the realization that it just won't work. yay!

  5. ooh the wort rearraning... that makes us running... andour daddy too... and at the end the mama is unhappy because there is more duct tape bawhahahaha

  6. Obviously, June...she didn't ask for your permission FIRST!

  7. Nice to see you, June! Sorry your house got rearranged. I know how discombobulating that can be. ~Ernie

  8. It's great to see you and your mom back, June. It's okay for your mommy to take blog breaks, she has to take care of her Self too, so she can best take care of you! ♥

    It sounds like it was a very productive break, even if it did mean a bit of upheaval for you, June. We're still deep in winter here, actually more winter now than back in January (!), so the spring cleaning bug has not bitten me yet. (Not that it ever really does anyway. LOL.) I hope your mommy's aches and pains are all gone now, though. I feel for her; I, too, know what it's like to "suffer" after moving heavy furniture, lugging boxes, etc. Such is getting older! :-D

  9. Good to hear you survived the dreaded Spring clean June!!!!
    Also good that your toys were restored to you.
    Nice to see you back :)
    Purrs, Julie

  10. We're glad to see you back, June. It sounds like you had an exciting time watching your mom turn your world upside down while she moved and cleaned everything. We're happy to hear you were able to find the important things like your polka dot chair and your food dish and the bonus of finding all those lost toys!

  11. June one thing for certain humans are a mystery...why move and rearrange things...after all they were working WELL for you like they were. Geeez I hope you don't try to jump up somewhere that no longing has a landing.
    Hugs and thank da huMOM for the fun badges

  12. Spring cleaning. We've been doing the same thing here. Having things clean is a good thing, June.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  13. June ~ that is an awesome photo of you ~ glad all is well now after 'Spring clean' ~ enjoy ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Glad you are hanging in there 😊

  15. Welcome Back!! We sure did miss you!
    Rosy & Sunny

  16. Can you Mommy come here and redo our rooms too? Mom starts but then either gets distracted or decides to nap so nothing ever gets done.

  17. We've missed y'all! Having everything re-arranged sounds refreshing, but the actual doing does sound like an ordeal! Glad that's all over!

  18. We're sure glad to see you sweet June! I think you'll get used to things in their new location sweet June, then it will be time to move them again.

  19. I wish I had your mom's energy to do all that cleaning. XO

  20. We missed you, too, June and Mom Ann! We are glad to hear everything is all set up and ready for spring. We hope you enjoy your "new" space to welcome in the change of seasons! XO

  21. Glad to see you back! Now maybe you can send me some of your energy so I can start packing up stuff. The drywall project will start soon and everything has to be moved out of those rooms. (Gee, we just did this a year ago when our tile was installed....Sheesh)

  22. What a horrible experience. You need to take a 14 hour nap. At least you got your toys back

  23. June! Furrst, I LOVE your new spring header! And what is it with Peeps and cleaning? Our Mom totally disrupts the house (and plays LOUD Music) and brings out her new sucky wash the floor monster EVERY WEEK! She says it is our dirty paws and all our hair! (We want to blame our human brother). Everything get s moves. Sigh! At least we can go and hide in the Man Cave in the basement. Humans! We are happy that you are back! Keep being awesome! Purrs, your #1 fan boy, Marv

  24. It's wonderful to see you again and i am sure your place looks nice and fresh and pretty for spring.
