April 20, 2023



June is not a cat who favors many traditional cat toys and doesn't care for nip in any form.  But she does have a penchant for many "no no" things and searches out household items for her playtime.  It's a thing of hers to sit on the edge of the tub, or in the bathroom sink while I shower, and stay there when I'm finished, carefully watching my every move.  Early on she seemed fascinated by Q-tips and when she tried to grab one from me, I tossed another for her to play with ... well, it became a regular thing from that time on.  She'll toss it into the air, carry it around, chew on it until it's soaking wet, and finally bored with it ... ignore it ... or I take it away. 
Author's note: with Q-tips and other no-no's, I keep a close and constant watch and toss away the forbidden item quickly to ensure she is in no real danger, plus her allowed playtime with such things is usually quite brief.



  1. Say I think we all know about those toys that we allow our cats to play with that are considered no nose. I let Precious lay on plastic bags from the grocery and roll around on them to her heart's content but only while I am there to keep an eye on her. And then take it away from her when I'm ready to leave the room. But they deserve their fun.

  2. June is such a sweetie and an excellent choice for the letter Q wishing you a great weekend xxx

  3. we love that toys... we once killed a whole box ... LOL

  4. We love Q-Tips because they are what the essential oil goes on in our sniffing sports. They are always well hidden and we can't get at them, but they are the most important thing. Without the odor, we would have nothing to sniff.

  5. Pawsome story for the letter Q :) Guess you have to pick up a lot of soggy ones ;) MOL!
    Purrs, Julie

  6. Q-tips do sound like fun toy for you, Juney!

  7. June you are quite 'qute' holding the Q tip
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. That's a great idea for a toy, June. It's probably cheaper than anything your mom could buy at the store. BOL!

  9. June is lucky. We've never had a chance to play with a Q-tip.

  10. Lucky June, our kitties get in all sorts of trouble if they make off with a q-tip! You have a good Mom watching over you sweet girl.

  11. I'll have to ask Katie if she would like one.

  12. Aww, very cute! Everything is a potential toy to a kitty!

  13. Our kitty cat cousins, Tibie and Hanni like to play with things like that too.

  14. Looks like you are having fun with your Q tip, June.

  15. Great choice for Q...and purrfect photos to accompany!

  16. Qtips, mmm, sounds yummy. XOX Xena, Lucy and Riley

  17. Hey sweet June, out Kiki will steal any Q-Tips she finds too! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  18. My Rusty pulls them out of the trash and eats the cotton off the ends if he gets a chance. :) XO

  19. I love this post! Cats are like children -- you can get them fancy toys, but they'd usually rather play with cardboard boxes or found objects like a Q-tip :-)

  20. I like Q-Tips too, they are the closest thing possible to a sno-cone

  21. Our cousin pup likes to raid the bathroom waste basket, so his mom...our auntie...had to get a covered one, LOL!! Q-tips were fair game!

    None of our kitties were interested in q-tips...but some loved the milk jug rings...one played fetch with it. They all liked pipe cleaner toys...that I had to closely supervise, cause if they bit them the wire could hurt them. When I got store bought kitty toys that were similar...they disdained them, LOL!

  22. June - my humans use those things you call Q tips to apply my toothpaste. Toothpaste is YUCK so anything associated with it is bad juju. I can't believe you play with them. xxx Mr T

  23. That's me! I find my own play toys around the house. I liked the lids of bottles and the plastic safety wrap around some of them.

  24. Better a Quip than a Tip. Let me give you a one, June baby. Tip or no, cotton is best forgotten, else the choke may be on you!
