August 23, 2023


Special note: being that mine Mommy is a very pawlitical animal, she gave me two words to learn today.  She told me today is sort of an "ofurcial" kick-off for something or other of interest to her that will be news-worthy (worthy, sometimes being highly questionable) over the many months ahead.  She did tell me that whether you are a fence-sitter, or reside on one side of the fence or t'other, it's still very very im-paw-tent to pay attention to this stuff.  Now, I'm not sure I agree with her, but my kitty listening ears will have to put up with it all nonetheless, so I may as well learn the words so I'll at least know what she's yelling about 
or understand when she's talking to herself, meow.  

purresident (n): the elected head of a republic, head of state, chief of state, elected head of a country, alternate spelling: president


You will not see me on stage tonight in Milwaukee.  I did not meet the superficial requirements to be there [nor did I have the green papers for an airline ticket and no one offered a private jet].  

Be that as it may, using one of my words-of-the-week, it is incumbent [no, I am not an incumbent, but I also do like that word] on me to point out that the days, weeks and months ahead will be defining for all. 

This time is IM.PAW.TENT for all, whether two-footed or four-footed. 

And so that all will truly have a fair choice, in time I will share my pawsitions and pawlicies on all matters and things of im-paw-tence.  In time I will seek out trusted advisors to serve and nap and m.o.l. beside me.  My meows will be kind and gentle and honest, without anger or hate or spite, never revenge.  

My paws are clean, my intentions pure, I will never be tempted [though admittedly, the occasional Temptation treat may be difficult to resist], and my first purromise is to treat all other catidates with respect [well, almost all of them].  Although my platform will be high-up (as cats prefer) it will be accessible to all.  No pussy-footing around from me, no caterwauling to crowds, no fake-cat-AI-trickery.  Cats already rule the inner-nets so thankfully you won't see me blasting ads that interrupt your social media time.  

Just JUNE, June for Purresident, 2024.  
Sounds purrty good, doesn't it?



  1. You would be better than any candidate out there. We don't do politics at our house. Mom says it is a circus and sadly, it just isn't what it used to be where people had ideas and worked together to improve the country, not themselves.

  2. You have my vote, you are The Best Canidate for 2024.. A cat or a dog would make a better president than any one running on any party.

  3. I 100% agree with GBGV...
    Hugs cecilia

  4. We would definitely vote for you, June!

  5. Chaplin: "It's about time we cats took charge! Go June!"

  6. If I was in the US I would vote for you, June.

  7. We like your stance on the whole situation, June!
    We also agree with GBGV....
    Where is the respect for the *office*?? (No matter who is in that high place, we need to respect him/her, it doesn't seem to be taught that way anymore. Sadly.)

  8. You are our top candy-date Junie!
    Sunny & Rosy

  9. Yes, June would be a far better president than most who are currently running. There's room for her now today, too, as Trump has had a comeuppance (or come-up-pants, if you will). He finally put on his big boy pants and admitted what he did. Yay!

  10. I would totally vote for you, June!

  11. This may be the best speech we hear today, June. And yes, we would give you a vote!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. juney chowder, we due knot like ta sit ona fenze either, less of courz it haza smooth
    top and noe spike thingz. tell yur mom we can vote for ewe bee coz therz that hole
    rite in ballut deel…ask her if her rememburrz when smoke and joe ran for office‼️
    we gotta go now, wi fi free timez up 🍀🐟💚💙

  13. Sweet June, we'd vote for you any day of the week and every day of the week too!

  14. I would vote for you! I adopted Mudpie at the beginning of the 2015 election cycle, which is when she developed her hatred of bells as I watched the debates!

  15. Awwwww Pretty Kitty looks like he's already for the job! Go for it President Kitty... you would sure do a helleva lot better than Biden..... I'M SURE!!! :) Have a great day!

  16. You're the best candidate since Snoopy and Fonzie!

  17. We would most definitely vote for you, Juney!

  18. If only you qualified to be pressie dent of the US of A, we would all vote for you, June. You'd be the first female pressie dent! XOXOX Xena, Chia and Lucy Pee Ess Riley says no way, you're a girl and not a dog. But what does he know, right?

  19. For sure, June! You'd be the best purresident ever!

  20. I'm definitely casting my vote for your cat. She seems a much wiser, safer choice than anyone I see trying to get into office~
    Thanks for sharing at
