September 05, 2023


I'm always happy when I play with this favorite toy.
With the little ball that rolls round 'n' round and lights up and flashes bright in the night.  It's fun!
Apparently mine Mommy was not as happy as I was when she leaned out from under her covers
at 2:00 a.m., flashed that little camera at me (it's always under her pillow
and said in a groggy not-so-nice mommy voice, "not now, June".


  1. I love cats, always have, but this is exactly why I don't have one or two. Cats will not let me sleep, touching me or noise wakes me up, my mind then goes into What If Scenarios and keeps me awake. If i had a camera under by pillow it would wake me feeling it, and if the noise woke me and I took a photo, I would be up for the rest of the night.. Light Sleeper is not good, the neighbors woke me two nights ago with what sounded like a sawing back and forth on a bass fiddle. they live 3 houses over. I guess I will never have a sweetie like you June

  2. ... s'pose the "cell phone-camera/pillow" thing became a thing, maybe a bit odd, but a comfort now ... once older and living alone ...

  3. Cats seem to love to wake everyone up in the middle of the night. Mom says we dogs have never done that. You should sleep at night and play during the day. Cat bro Bert still wakes us up around 3am most nights meowing. Crazy!

  4. Ahhhhhhh! The late night zoomies ;) MOL!
    We cats cannot help the fact that we are a bit nocturnal ;)
    Maybe give your mum ear plugs so you can continue your late night fun ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  5. Not now June means nothing. You'll do what you do and mom will deal with it.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  6. Molly and I go outside to do our peepees at that hour so you would be a great alarm clock for us☺ Can't you move your favorite toy to another room, Juney?

  7. juney chowder…..wait til 2:38 AM….ewe will get mor… brite nezz 🐟💚‼️

  8. Chaplin: "Humans have this crazy idea that nighttime is for sleeping, despite our efforts to convince them otherwise ..."

  9. That was an early wakeup call you gave your mom, June. Your mom would be smart to put that toy where you couldn't reach it in the middle of the night. BOL!

  10. We had that issue with our crackly tube at 2am, we have to put it away in a closet before we go to bed now. Kitteh's were not happy about that as you can imagine June.

  11. June, it's good that you woke her up, otherwise we wouldn't have this adorable image!

  12. We had that toy but without the lights. That would indeed be intriguing! Leave it to your Mom to always be at the ready when you're being cute. You look stunned, as well as stunning, June! Must be those lights combined with the camera flash. Well done, you two.

  13. Sweet photo of you June ~ you are a treasure Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Oh Junie, I guess you are just a night owl!
    Rosy & Sunny

  15. That’s a cute picture. Let your mommy rest at night.

  16. Maybe that toy should go under her pillow, too, June...then you can snuggle against her more to see if she'll dig it out for you once again...MOL!
    Somehow humans truly value and need their shut eye time...and since they don't spend all day cat napping, well, they get grumpy when disturbed in the dark o'clock hours.

  17. We pups didn't know there was a time of day not to play. We hear from our kitty cat cousins Tibie (aka Tiberius) and Hanni (aka Hannibal) that they like to play day and night.

  18. June if huMom can take a photo of you at 2 am surely she can feed you too. MOL MOL MOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  19. I think if you don't take notice of "Not Now June", that toy may go missing during the night time hours.

  20. Cute photo for sure! I guess kitties think we have all of the next day to sleep, like they do!

  21. Humans keep odd hours June. :) XO

  22. Oops, ya got caught having fun sweet June!

  23. Pawrents are not too keen on middle-of-the-night noisy games.

  24. Oh, June, the look on your face is priceless!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  25. Nothing wrong with a little fun in the wee hours, Juney. For some reason, the humans don't like that, though.

  26. Clearly it's never too late to play, June.
