October 08, 2023

Thank you for the gift of you ~

You ~
You are the carers, the rescuers, the feeders, the mini-vets, the petters, the playmates, the money-pits, 
the home givers, the photographers, the artists, the writers, 
the ones who worry, the ones who cry, the ones who give them so much love yet while knowing 
there will never be enough time with them for all the love you have to give them.
You ~ will hurt and grieve when they are gone.  And yes ~ they will hurt and grieve when you go.
You ~ we often do not see you, but you are there.  
We often do not hear your voice, as you choose to speak for the ones who do not have voices.  
Yet you manage to share with us thoughts and feelings, joy, laughter, happy times and sad times.  You share with us, through them, beauty and creativity and we try to be there to share with you. 
You ~ we thank you for all you have given for so long.  
For all you have given to so many of them.  For all you have given to us.  
You ~ thank you for the gift of you.

Many friends have posted today in honor of Pattie.
Here are links for visiting, and also to a GoFundMe raising funds for Lucky Cat Rescue.


  1. Those words are very beautiful, and so is the AI image by Pattie. She will be greatly missed. Cancer gives a connection to each other and I have lost many friends to it around the two year mark. Here I am still going 6 1/2 years on but I don't feel guilty for hanging on longer, I am very grateful.

  2. My condolences to her family and friends. I did not know her or any of the ones who posted for her, but I still feel the sorrow of all of you that will miss her so much.

  3. Thank you, Jackie. You keep hangin' on, friend. We're grateful for you! And like you have said farewell far too often to family and friends ... it takes too much from too many.

  4. I did not know Pattie...which I regret....but I do thank each of you who are posting about her for helping me to know just what a precious human she was.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. What a lovely tribute to a special lady.

  6. Prayers ascending for Pattie's family and friends♥

  7. What beautiful words in memory of a beautiful friend. Pattie was a true friend to cats and people, and she touched so many of us around the world. We will miss her, but are so grateful for having been her friends in blogging and in real life. XO

  8. That poem is so beautiful. It makes Us cry.

  9. this was beautiful Ann. I am just extremely sad about Pattie. I truly thought she would beat cancer, I truly did. It's just devastating. I am broke this week but trust me, I will donate before the end of the month. xoxo

  10. Beautiful image and post. Pattie was a special lady. XO

  11. Beeuteefull tributte to Miss Pattie....shee was so kind......wee miss her so much... Thanx Miss Ann an June fore lettin us nose so wee cuud send a card last month with Guud Wishess. Thanx fore this beeuteefull tributte to Miss Pattie. Thanx fore beein so pawsum....
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

  12. Oh, dear, now I have tears and a big lump in my throat. A beautiful tribute for Pattie.

  13. A beautiful tribute for a beautiful lady! Such a loss to the cat blogosphere, and to all who knew her. 💔

  14. What a portrait. Jun and you must be so proud to have had such a friend. Rest in Peace Pattie Kleinke.

  15. So beautifully stated, Ann. A meaningful tribute to Pattie.

  16. This is a beautiful tribute. Even though we knew how sick she was, it still doesn't seem possible. Such a heartbreaking loss.

  17. I have just made a donation. I'm sorry for Pattie's family and everyone who knew her well and loved her. Including you, Dear Ann. You must be devastated. Sending you virtual love and hugs. W

  18. That was such a beautiful and heartfelt tribute. Pattie will sure be missed.

  19. We are just emulating what you and Pattie do daily

  20. My condolences to all who knew and loved her.

  21. Although we've never met in the flesh or fur, our blogging community members are as dear as anyone else.
    This is a harsh loss.
