November 27, 2023


Mine Mommy thought she was going to change the bed sheets this morning.
I meowed "not yet".
She knows what "not yet" means and so do I.

'Cause I always hear her say "not yet" when I meow for foodz 
and she says that 'cause it isn't time yet for foodz.  
Of course she thinks it isn't time, but my tummy thinks it is.

Anyway, I was talking about bed sheets, not foodz,
and I made her wait a really long long time 'cause I curled up in 
the old dirty ones to nap.


  1. Precious takes a nap to forget that her tummy is growling. Did that happen to you this time?

  2. How nice of her to let you stay in the old sheets for a while longer. Our mom would say, sorry Charlie, time to get up so I can change the sheets.

  3. Beau really disliked the words not yet. He hears them while waiting for the sun to rise and his walk about, while waiting for his snacks at 10 and his meals at 3 and 3 and while mama is cooking. We did not know cats speak Not Yet! or that they love dirty sheets. 😁

  4. It was nice that you got to stay in the sheets a little longer, June.

  5. You look so cute all snuggled up in the sheets, June.

  6. Good for you, June. Our kitty does that too. Wants food before it's time and we say, not yet. It's good that you do the same to her.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  7. It's like you own the bed or something, June!

  8. June, we think your Lady should be grateful that you made her not have to do a chore. Lee and Phod

  9. Good for you, June! I always had to wait until the boys were ready to leave the bed.

  10. Gives me memories of a cat I had for a time ~ sweet photo of kitty ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. June OMCs you are 200% cat. Of course we all know sheets are changed only when there is prior approval by the cat.
    A sleeping kitty should never ever be disturbed
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. June, your mom was very obedient to your wishes. Most of the time I would just start pulling mine off until whichever cat was on the bed would move. 😁

  13. You look so cute lounging on the sheets, Juney.

  14. I made MINE mommy wait Sunday too! I was busy asleep and pouncing when I woke.

  15. Curling up in the old dirty bed sheets is the most fun! Plus I make meomy play games wif me like catch the pretend mousy under the sheets and I like to hide in there and pounce on Teaghan when she walks by. Meow! ~Tommy

  16. Juat when we get the sheets the way we want they wash them

  17. That was pretty wise sweet June and I'm sure you had a purrfect nap!

  18. That way you had the lovely and comforting aroma of your Mommy when you napped...for sweeter dreams!

  19. We put the old, dirty ones on the floor very quickly and then the kitties can snuggle in them. Only Tripod SissyCat and Link Linker the Stinker like to do that.

  20. Yeah, we make TBT wait sometimes to settles his sheets and stuff of the bed. He does several layers (after we allow it). So he leaves for a bit and returns after he sets out a meal. We never want to miss a meal.

  21. Turnabout is fair play, June. You might as well dirty up the sheets more if Mom is going to wash them anyway. Happy snoozing!

  22. Charlee: "Sometimes human chores just have to wait!"
