November 30, 2023


Why am I thankful today?  What am I thankful for?
Well, it's a really big thing for me ~ 
to get to have our windows opened up super-wide, all the way wide!

Being on the 16th floor, and that mine Mommy keeps our windows open nearly
all year 'round, they are only opened the "small" way.  I can sorta squish my
head in there, of course I can get fresh air and whiffies, but that's it.

But today, a big treat.
She opened them all the way wide.  The super-wide way.
Because the city peoples were down there, way way below hanging all kinds
of pretty, sparkling and colorful things for Christmas on the street lamps.
I loved watching them.  Trucks, ladders, men (women, too) reaching up to
hang stars and wreaths and ribbons!

Side note from the Mom: you'll see when our windows are opened to their widest the window pane slants downward.  It's a bit hard for June to maintain her balance there.  Also, that is a really big screen opening, that she could easily push herself through ~ 16 stories is a long way down!  I sit in a chair behind her when we open the windows wide (which is not very often) and hold her tiny, furry little butt tightly while she watches and wonders about the sights below ... I think, I hope she enjoys this brief "event" ... but believe me, I am scared and shivering the whole time ...

As I was saying,
I'm really thankful for my big treat today,
my big super-wide window!



  1. wow what a view!!! and there is nothing what you can not see... all secrets and even the smallest details... wow...

  2. Fresh air is so good for you and you have the most fantastic view from the 16th floor, Juney!

  3. Open or closed, you always have something interesting to watch down there. Good thing your mom keeps her eyes on you so you can't fall through.

  4. My stomach hurt looking at the photo and i was almost frantic thinking she could dive out through the screen. thanks for the red note at the bottom. what fun to watch, could you watch with the window closed, as through the glass? i feel a madly snapping trip down below to show us what they did

  5. What a lovely blue sky June. You best not butt your head against the screen too much. Precious now has the
    screen out in her bathroom window, so I only open it 3 inches so she can not stick even her ears out. I can
    not imagine what would happen to our kitties if they flew out the window!

  6. You have a wonderful and exciting view from up there, June. I am very glad your mommy holds on to you though!

  7. June I would be right there with you enjoying the excitement. Glad they were quick at decorating
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You sure have a great view from up there, June. Your mom is so nice to help you look out when the window is open.

  9. Wow, that sure made for some good viewing though the open portal!
    Glad your Mommy keeps you safe, Phew!

    Our great aunt used to live on the 16th floor by the Scarborough Bluffs in the Toronto area...wonderful views, even Niagara Falls region on a clear day!

  10. Sounds like a marvelous view, June! And having some fresh air is always wonderful!

  11. That does sound like a special treat. XO

  12. *sob* We won't be able to open windows again until May or so...*weeping*

  13. You are on the top of the world looking down on creation

  14. It is really nice of your Mommy to let you experience the big wide windows. We would be scared the whole time, just like she is. Please be careful June !

  15. WOW, that was some special treat sweet June and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  16. June, I'm glad you get to have the windows like this once in so often, even if it's a bit scary for your Mommy. She's very conscientious.

  17. What beautiful sights you must see Junie!
    Rosy & Sunny

  18. I can imagine the worry! But, so exciting for her!!! Is there a way you can get some custom screening to fit the window? (Probably looked already I'm sure).

    Marjorie and Toulouse.

  19. Charlee: "Sixteen stories! I know I always say highest cat wins, but I've never been THAT high. I can only imagine the view from up there!"
    Oona: "Never mind all that. Oona wants to hear more about those spring thingies stuck to the window."
