January 25, 2024


We are thankful, and giving paws up to our friend Carol Lowbeer ~ and also to her little furry ones, from the beautiful blog, PEACHES and PAPRIKA.

Carol is an artist in every sense of the word, and an amazing photographer, her first love being nature photography.  If you visit her blog we encourage you to click on the link (below her header) to view her Animal Portrait Gallery in particular.  She is a CWA Certificate of Excellence and MUSE award winner, having blogged since 2015 with a strong and popular presence on social media.  And found the time to write and publish six Peaches & Paprika books available at the Amazon link below.

Well known for her slide shows, these presentations of meowing furry-friends are created by Carol several times throughout the year and featured on her own YouTube channel, and other media.  

Today, we suggest you visit and enjoy her MEW YEAR SHOW (albeit a bit delayed due to technical difficulties) ~ and we thank her for including our own little June of Zoolatry along with many other kitty friends.


  1. Oh my June, you are always awesome to see, and these artist renderings of you are magnifcent and highlight all your beauty purrfectly... trying not to feel a tad jealous of her talents. Headed over to view

  2. that looks super great... like a field of flowers in june... we love the colors... they are a party for the eyes during this gray time...

  3. Love the name Mew Year, that is fun for kitties. Our portrait is Grand Miss June!

  4. Those art renditions of June are wonderful, I love them!

  5. Worthy of being made big to hang on the wall, June!

  6. Thank you so much for honoring our slideshow and post! We had a wonderful model in June! Purrs to you both.

  7. The colorful art renditions of you are just beautiful, Juney!

  8. Peaches and Paprika are two lucky kitty sisters!
    Mariette + Kitties

  9. Apaws Apaws. June you look very lovely in all the pieces
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Charlee: "June, you are all psychedelic!"

  11. We always think you are a masterpiece sweet June and those are really terrific! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. June you look amazing in all those artsy colors ~ but you are beautiful no matter what sweet one ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Fantastic pictures of June, I like both the soft colors of the originals, as well as the bright colors in the two artistic versions! I do love Carol's work!

  14. Beautiful. Carol is very talented. XO

  15. Those are beautifully colorful.

  16. What a lovely tribute to your friends. We love what their mom did to your pictures.

  17. Our Angels PIpo & Minko had themselves featured in a few such 'movies'. too. She does amazing work!

  18. Oh wow!!!! Those are just beautiful. Mom so wishes she had even a tiny touch of an artistic flair.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and timber
