January 31, 2024


Early morning in our little studio, not quite sunrise yet.  The feline routine: I like to wake mine Mommy very early, much earlier than she likes to be up.  But she usually gets up anyway, cause she knows my tummy is grumbly and she also knows I'll keep pestering her until she does get up!  So we do what we do in the litter loo.  Wow, I made a rhyme!  Then it's breakfast for me, coffee for her.  And neither of us is grumpus now.  

Our little table by the window has two chairs.  Just right for we two ~ one Mommy and one kitty, so we take our places.  She on one side, at her computer and me on t'other, just curled up, napping maybe or waiting to see my post for the day. I do have to approve my post you know.  That's mandatory cause it is my blog.  

Turns out that today, she wasn't sure what to post.  So she came over, took pictures of me in t'other chair (I posed nicely) and so this wound up being out post, The Morning Routine.  How 'bout that?

When she finished the picture and finished all this writing (which I really can't read) she spun the laptop around, I looked up from my chair on my side, and meowed my approval!  



  1. You and your mommy have a very good routine, June.

  2. We love that dangle photo of you, dear June. Say, this gives us an idea to do a post of our early morning routine here, too. Now if only dad can get some good photos. Sounds like you two have it down!

  3. June you are such an excellent coach for your Mommy—post early morning coffee and kitty breakfast!
    Love the photos and yes, we also have 'life' wake up calls as Spooky boy can be so very loud...
    It is great communication!
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. a super way to start into a good day... well done...

  5. You seem to like that chair a lot. Mom likes to wake all of us up early every day, we don't ever wake her up. That is one thing we do like about not having cats anymore because they would start to meow at 3 or 4 in the morning and that is even too early for our mom to get up. At least you have a quiet time with your mom at the table.

  6. June, good of you to git mommy motivated fur yer post! itz a fur-tastic one of mornin' routine. Precious

  7. It's a good nice comfy looking chair there, June! You have a nice routine too. We wish our Mom could get into our routine, feeding at 3am, playing at 5, making a blog every day...

  8. Well you both did good on the post and you both really enjoy your morning routine!

  9. June you and mommy have the purrfect routine and quite honestly a million dollar view for two
    Hugs cecilia

  10. That's a nice morning routine. You could let mom sleep in now and then. She would like that.

    You're sure beautiful, June.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  11. We like to wake our parents up earlier than they would like too. Our dad doesn't mind but mom would like to have another hour of sleep back. BOL!

  12. Excellent work by you, June! Helping your Mom get everything going to publish your illustrated stories of you, June!

  13. Kitties Blue: You did pose quite nicely, June, and showed off how gorgeous you are. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  14. It's always good to have a routine, especially in the morning. Glad you can start it off each day, June. And that last picture of you is adorbs! XOX Xena

  15. I like your routine, it's a good framework for your day.

  16. You and Mom sure have a wonderful morning routine, Juney. We love how your post turned out! XO

  17. That is a good way to start each moring...and nicely predictable...well most days we imagine.

  18. In the end it is a lovely post about your routine. I found it quite comforting. And your poses are quite amewsing as always. Good thing I'm awake to enjoy them.

  19. Sounds like your morning routine is similar to ours although our mom says she feed amd waters "the livestock" before she is able to enjoy her coffee. Image...she calls us livestock...harumph! 😸
