March 01, 2024


READ ACROSS AMERICA begins tomorrow ~ and from March 2 through 6 we can all celebrate and applaud the greatness, the joy and the magic of reading.  Whether 8-months, 8-years or 80 years, or anywhere in between from books we go to places we might never otherwise travel ~ we learn that we may never otherwise be taught ~ we find answers to questions we may have not voiced aloud.  Books, be they small and brief, be they thick, long and heavy, with pictures, with art or not, open our minds, fill our souls and should always be in our hands.  Although part of this Read Across America celebration honors the whimsy and fun of the inimitable Dr. Seuss, I'm choosing this year to focus on another great poet and author, a personal favorite whose books have delighted me, my children and grandchildren over many years.  To this day I often turn to his poems and find (especially in his brevity) not just humor, but a true sharing of something very real. For he always had a way to ... yes, turn on "the light in the attic", to clear away one's dust and cobwebs up there.  

SHEL SILVERSTEIN (1930-1999).  Author and poet.  Illustrator and cartoonist.  Songwriter and playwright.  Above, just a few of his well known and wonderful books, loved by the young and young at heart.  He could make you cry, he could make you smile, he could make you laugh out loud.  He could always make you think, think just a little bit harder, a little bit longer and a little bit deeper.  And he could often do so with just a few words, just a few short lines ...

Over the next few days of the Read Across America event 
Zoolatry will highlight a few of our favorite Shel Silverstein poems,
accompanied by personal photos, images we believe illustrate these writings.
Thank you.


  1. I don't recognize Shel but i might have read his poems and not know the name. i am not a poetry reader. will have to check him out.

  2. just read a list of all his books and a few poems and have never seen them before. books or poems. this will be interesitng, bring them on

  3. You'd likely find many of his poems absolutely "perfect" to accompany posts for BEAU ... from any of his books, so many are just fun-and-funny and appropriate to match-up to photos!

  4. Mom is not a book person. She has never liked to read books even as a kid despite being in top reading groups in school. Sometimes she will read a book in a day if it is about something she wants to learn about. We are hoping to do a Dr Seuss post as those are fun books and fun to create a post about.

  5. oooh we look forward to

  6. New to us too but we will look him up and dig in.

  7. Ann the most talented Mr. Silverstein is one name I have not thought about in years.
    Now there was another Mr. Silverstein years ago here in Raleigh. He owned a Baskin Robbin's Ice Cream store.
    Our daughter loved going to see him. He always had a fun comment or saying or joke for them and gave
    them extra ice cream.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We've heard of Shel Silverstein, but haven't read any of his books. It will be fun to learn more about him in the coming days.

  9. Happy Reading everyone! I wish I could read more without dozing off LOL!

  10. Java Bean: "Ayyy, if anyone ever finds out where the sidewalk ends, let me know so I can avoid it!"

  11. We can't wait to hear more about Mr Silverstein!

  12. Oh this will be so interesting June! I've heard of him but have not read his books. And June, I love the header for this month, it's such a gorgeous picture of you and your pawsie.

  13. What a delightful idea! Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday.

  14. I have always liked his books. XO

  15. As I've never read any of Silverstein's works, am looking forward to the coming days!
