March 05, 2024



by Shel Silverstein, from Every Thing On It
Harper Collins 2011

Today, Tuesday, March 5 is Super Tuesday in the US with primaries or caucuses being held in 15 states and 1 territory. Many will be "open" primaries allowing those with any party (D or R or I) affiliation to vote.  Senate, House and Governorship seats are on some state ballots.  Being a very politically-oriented individual, albeit a pet blogger, in general Zoolatry does not focus beyond our pets ~ except when believing there is an important and overwhelming need to do so.

It is often said, "this election is the most important ever".  This one is.  

There are far too many issues to state here, and it is not my desire to suggest to any reader how to vote.  But having the privilege to vote is not universal and does not exist worldwide, and has now been threatened here in our own country.  From March 12 through September 10, primaries will continue in many states, even after the National Conventions are held in July and August and it remains critical to vote in your state primaries for down-ballot issues and individual office holders for your towns, cities, and state positions.

Use your freedom to CHOOSE.
Use your freedom to say YES or NO.

If you do not, in the future you may not have these freedoms.



  1. yes!!! we hope a lot of people will vote... all together we can make a difference...

  2. Happy Tuesday to you June...
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Every vote matters, especially for this coming election.

  4. It's not a purrfect system, but it's the best system in the World.

  5. Dearest June,
    Love your cap—you wear it well and your message is clear!
    Yes, we MUST vote for enjoying the freedom we have known.
    Mariette + Kitties

  6. half the people want it one way and half the other, the country is evenly divided. I will vote but but 100 percent of voters, feel they are right, so 50 percent will be upset.

  7. An important message indeed!

  8. Yes, it's so important to vote, we always do. For some reason I don't think this Super Tuesday will be super at all.

  9. Well said, Juney and Mom Ann. Every vote matters!

  10. A brilliant parable for the age in which we live.

  11. Agreed. We don't vote until the 23rd of this month, but it's on my calendar.

  12. Some think choices are important
    Some think that they are not.
    But we think that it matters
    To make a choice or not.

    You may not have a great choice
    But we think that at most
    Always one that's slightly worse
    So hold yer nose and VOTE!

  13. Voting isn't just a privilege it is part of the duties of being a citizen...the one way each of us have the chance to put on paper what we believe in.
